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Tanaka Corpusのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います:. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, また、満仲の三男の源頼信の系統(厳密に言えば、源義忠・源義時流)は、河内国壷井(現・大阪府羽曳野市壷井)を本拠としたことから河内源氏といわれる例文帳に追加, Additionally, the family lineage of MINAMOTO no Yorinobu, the third son of Mitsunaka, (more precisely, the line of MINAMOTO no Yoshitada and MINAMOTO no Yoshitoki) was called Kawachi-Genji as it was based in Tsuboi, Kawachi Province (present-day Tsuboi, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture). - Tanaka Corpus, It's seven o'clock now.
- Tanaka Corpus, (However, strictly saying, the Jodo sect was established at the end of the Heian period.) Strictly speaking, a tomato is a fruit.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, you are not right.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, his view differs somewhat from mine.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus, It's seven o'clock now. - John Stuart Mill『自由について』, 日本の文人については中国との社会制度の違いから、その定義が極めて難しく、厳密に言えばその存在を否定しかねない。例文帳に追加, It is very difficult to define Bunjin in Japan because of the difference in social system between China and Japan, and strictly speaking, its existence might be denied in Japan.
- Tanaka Corpus, If we speak strictly, Chinese consists of hundreds of dialects. - Eゲイト英和辞典, Strictly speaking, his answer is not correct. Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation.All rights reserved.
It's a fruit.
Copyright 2001-2010 Gentoo Foundation, Inc. - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, Aunty Jane is my grandaunt.
Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Kiesling.
Copyright (c) 1995-2020 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This applies worldwide.
Tanaka Corpusのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います:. - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, this sentence is grammatically incorrect. Copyright © 1995-2020 Hamajima Shoten, Publishers. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 山城国一揆は惣の農民らが参加している点で厳密には国一揆ではなく惣国一揆とでも言うべきものである。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, the uprising in Yamashiro Province was not a "kuniikki" but a "sokoku ikki", because the uprising was started by farmers belonging to so (a community organized by a self-governing association of farmers).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 一般的に現在の日本の皇室は、この持明院統の子孫と言われているが、持明院統嫡流とされている後光厳院流は後小松天皇の子である称光天皇の代で断絶しており、厳密に言えば持明院統の分家(崇光天皇の子孫、崇光院流)と位置付けられてきた伏見宮家が現在の皇室の直接の祖先にあたる。例文帳に追加, Generally, it is said that Jimyoin-to's ancestors are the current Imperial Family; but the legitimate highbred of Jimyoin-to, Go-Kogon'in-ryu was extinguished after the generation of Emperor Shoko, son of Emperor Go-Komatsu, and strictly speaking the direct ancestor of the Imperial Family is the Fushimi-no-Miya Family, which was in the position of a cadet family (the descendant of Emperor Suko, Suko'in-ryu) of Jimyoin-to.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 院の近臣は厳密には院庁の構成員ではなかったが、政治意思決定に参与していた点から見れば、院の近臣も広義の院庁を形成していたと言える。例文帳に追加, In no kinshin were not exactly constituent members of In no cho, but from the standpoint that they took part in political decision-making, they can be said to have created broad In no cho.
- 斎藤和英大辞典, Strictly speaking, the bamboo is a kind of grass. - Python, 正月三が日の初詣輸送には特に力を入れており、元日(厳密に言えば大晦日の夜間以降)から1月3日(年により1月5日)までは通常ダイヤとは全く異なる「正月ダイヤ」を組む。例文帳に追加, During the first three days of the New Year, the line particularly reinforces its capacity for transporting passengers for New Year's visits to shrines, and from New Year's Day (strictly speaking from the late night of New Year's Eve) to January 3 (January 5, depending on the year), the trains are operated under the special 'time schedule for the Year-End and New Year Holidays,' which is different from the ordinary time schedule. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, この問題は、この論考の課題と密接に関連してはいますが、厳密に言えば、それには属さないものです。例文帳に追加, which, though closely connected with the subject of this Essay, do not, in strictness, belong to it. (厳密に言うと、二つは全く同じわけではないが、その違いはこのページの目的から外れるので言及しない。 例文帳に追加 ( Strictly speaking the two aren ' t the same, but the difference is …
To be more exact, it's seven three. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, - Python, そもそも当時の合戦にルールは存在せず(厳密に言うならば、武士が私的な理由、所領問題や名誉に関わる問題で、自力・当事者間で解決しようとして合戦に及ぶ場合には一騎打ちや合戦を行う場所の指定などがあったことが『今昔物語集』などで確認できる)、義経の勝因を当時としては卑怯な戦法にある、と非難することに対する反論もある。例文帳に追加, To the criticism that says Yoshitsune won the battle by employing mean tactics, there are those who oppose to this criticism advocating that in the first place there were no established battle rules at that time (strictly speaking, "Konjaku Monogatari" (The Tale of Times Now Past) and other documents confirm that some rules including the place of battle for one-on-one fight and collective battle was established in several cases, such as when warriors (samurai) had a private reason or a problem concerning their territories or honor and both parties whished to solve the problems by themselves by way of a duel. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 律令制の祖形は、古く秦・前漢期まで遡るともいわれているが、厳密に言えば、律令制は中国の魏晋南北朝時代において出現し、徐々に形成されていった。例文帳に追加, It is said that the Ritsuryo system can be traced back as far as the Qin and Western Han periods; but strictly speaking, it emerged and gradually developed in China during the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Therefore, strictly speaking, it would be correct to call the Hojo family in the days of Soun's 'Ise family.' - Tanaka Corpus, Speaking strictly, your opinion is different from mine. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 厳密に言えば270年ほど前に日本には火薬は中国から輸入され原始的な鉄砲と呼ばれる銃は日本国内に存在はしていた。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, from around 270 years before that, Japan imported gunpowder from China and primitive guns called teppo (literally, an iron barrel) existed in Japan.
- Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, his view differs somewhat from mine. - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, you are not right.
- JM, 俗に蘇我入鹿が殺された事件のことを指して「大化の改新」と言うこともあるが、厳密にはクーデターである「乙巳の変」の後に行われた一連の政治改革が「大化の改新」である。例文帳に追加, Although the assassination of SOGA no Iruka is sometimes referred to as the 'Taika Reforms,' the series of political reforms carried out after the 'Isshi Incident,' which was a coup d'etat, are the 'Taika Reforms' in a narrow sense. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 縄文式土器、弥生式土器は地域色が強かったのに対し、土師器では、厳密に言えば地方色もあるが、同じような意匠・技法による土器が本州から九州までの規模で分布する。例文帳に追加, In contrast to Jomon and Yayoi types that were strongly regional in characteristic, Haji is found distributed widely from Honshu to Kyushu islands, based on identical design and production method, although some regional traits can also be found if scrutinized closely.
- Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, the tomato is not a vegetable.
- Eゲイト英和辞典, Strictly speaking, he is not qualified for the job.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, this sentence is grammatically incorrect.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, Aunty Jane is my grandaunt. - 特許庁, それゆえ、狭義の意味での唐手の歴史は佐久川に始まる(さらに厳密に言えば、佐久川はあくまで「トゥーディー」=中国武術の使い手であり、「日本の武技の手・空手」の起源を考えるならば、佐久川の弟子の松村宗棍以降になる)が、「手」も含めた沖縄の格闘技全般の唐手の歴史は、もちろんそれ以前にさかのぼる。例文帳に追加, Therefore, karate in a more limited sense dates from Sakukawa (more strictly speaking, however, Sakukawa was merely a master of toudee, or Chinese martial arts; when discussing the origin of karate as an art of Japan's martial skills, it has to wait until the era after Sokon MATSUMURA, a pupil of Sakukawa), but of course the history of karate as an Okinawan martial art as a whole, including tee, dates from periods prior to Sakukawa.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, これは厳密に言えば朝廷にとって由々しき事態であったが、秀吉の海外進出が挫折すると亀井の名乗りも国内官職へ回帰した。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, this is a serious matter for the Imperial Court, however, Kamei's post returned to the one within the country after Hideyoshi's overseas operation had failed. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license. - Tanaka Corpus, ココナッツジュースを飲み干した後,ココナッツの果肉(厳密に言うと固形胚乳)を食べることができます。例文帳に追加, After you drink up the coconut juice, you can eat the coconut meat.
Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 David Merrill. - Python, 厳密に言えば、完璧な形で決まれば小太刀の打突も有効打となるが、間合いの短い小太刀で完璧な打突は決まる事がほとんど無いうえ、太刀での打突に比べて小太刀での打突は判定自体も厳しくなる。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, a complete form stroke or thrust can be a telling blow even if it is made with a kodachi, but fencers can hardly make a complete form stroke or thrust with a kodachi because its ideal distance to an opponent is shorter, and also the strokes and thrusts made by a kodachi are judged more strictly than the strokes and thrusts by a tachi. - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, the Japanese do not belong to the yellow race.
- Tanaka Corpus, To be precise, the Achime is not a song but refers to rules of etiquette. - Tanaka Corpus, Strictly speaking, the earth is not round. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Strictly speaking, she's not qualified for the job. Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 「皇后」という称号が明文により規定されたのは、大宝律令の制定以後であるから、厳密に言えば、日本最初の皇后は、天平元年(729年)に聖武天皇の皇后となった光明皇后(藤原安宿媛)である。例文帳に追加, The title 'Kogo' was stipulated in writing after the Taiho Code was put in place, so strictly speaking, Japan's first empress was Empress Komyo, who became the empress of Emperor Shomu in 729. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), strictly [roughly, generally, honestly] speaking - 研究社 新英和中辞典, Strictly speaking, there were some mistakes in his speech. - Gentoo Linux, Strictly speaking, his view differs somewhat from that of his opponents. - Python, ただ、厳密に言うならば、献饌された神饌が必ず直会にあがるという訳ではない。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, however, the Shinsen offered on the altars is not necessarily served as a Naorai. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 厳密に言えば、``整列させる (to marshal)'' とは、あるデータを(例えば RPC バッファのように) 内部表現形式から外部表現形式に変換することを意味し、``非整列化 (unmarshalling)'' とはその逆を意味します。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, ``to marshal'' means to convert some data from internal to external form (in an RPC buffer for instance) and ``unmarshalling'' for the reverse process. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, ちなみに、ここで言う上層とは、厳密には発生期の武士と同様に、騎馬戦闘の権利資格を有する階層の武士を指す。例文帳に追加, Strictly speaking, upper class bushi indicates the class of bushi who had the right to fight on horseback, which had been used to define bushi since the beginning of the bushi class.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, C++ プログラム中にも Python を埋め込めます; 厳密に言うと、どうやって埋め込むかは使っているC++ 処理系の詳細に依存します;一般的には、メインプログラムをC++で書き、C++ コンパイラを使ってプログラムをコンパイル・リンクする必要があるでしょう。例文帳に追加, It is also possible to embed Python in a C++ program; precisely how this is done will depend on the details of the C++ system used; in general you will need to write the main program in C++, and use the C++ compiler to compile and link your program.
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