注意事項 英語
注意事項 caveat dos and don'ts(業務上の) matters to be attended to notabilia〈ラテン語〉 notandum... - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 - how to take care of the plants , pets , swimming pool , special disposal regulations , maid service , etc . she also released the government s revenue collections in 2002 - 03 and drew public attention to the points worth noting in completing the individual tax returns of the current year, Special note : - this insurance does not cover loss damage or expense caused by embargo , or by rejection prohibition or detention by the government of the country of import or their agencies or departments , but does not exclude loss of or damage to the subject - matter insured caused by risks insured hereunder and sustained prior to any such embargo rejection prohibition or detention, Special note : ideas suggesting that repeated applications of a product will continue to increase optic clarity and gloss and protection are misleading you and your own common sense should enable you to understand that a finish , whether black , red , single - stage , clear coat , etc .
has a limit to how perfect it can become. point [pɔint] n.點,尖端,分數,要點,分數 vt.弄尖,指向,指出,瞄準,加標點於 vi.指,指向,表明. - instructions for safe use of electricity , gas , heating , air - conditioning , etc . Describes security considerations for class libraries, Security considerations when working with xml data, Security considerations for replication replication programming, Security considerations for a sql server installation, Security considerations for updating subscriptions, Specific security considerations for office solutions, The following items are things to consider when working with the, Security consideration for individual controls, Security considerations for xmlserializer applications, Security considerations in using snippets. n.注意,關心,關注,注意力,(口令)立正!
當機場班車接近終點時,播放了注意事項錄音。 A record message is played when the airport bus approaches the terminal. Sources, methods of calculation and other relevant information are specified where data are cited. 英語部落格: 抓姦有何要注意事項?, English.com.tw = English(英語) + .com(網際網路) + .tw(台灣) . 「注意事項」は英語でどう表現する?【単語】matters to be attended to...【例文】cautions when using...【その他の表現】hints... - 1000万語以上収録!英訳・英文・英単語の使い分けならWeblio英和・ … - list of useful telephone numbers family , friends , doctor , baby - sitter , etc, The commissioner of inland revenue , mrs alice lau mak yee - ming , today may 2 announced the administrative arrangements and timetable for the partial salaries tax rebate .
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