why are nuns so cruel

Beatrix Campbell reports, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. They would use canes, sticks, the leather belts around their waists. Sign up for a new account in our community. And they didn't beat me." She never said, 'I'm sorry.' "You woke up to this thrashing. A nun all of a sudden picked the kid up, carried him to the door, then slammed the door into his head. It could that some people have have self-esteem problems. It blew into the sea and they went into retrieve it, a stupid plastic ball - of course, they wouldn't have dared do otherwise. Its not something thats public knowledge, but many nuns grow to regret taking this vow. Beatings and acts of extreme cruelty were commonplace, they say, and together with the spartan existence in the home, gave them lives of utter misery. At Christmas there was jam. She asked, 'What do you remember about your childhood?' Sleep was routinely interrupted by their constant checks for children wetting their beds and the beating that followed. Eight years ago, when a handful of victims of nun abuse came forward to SNAP, Dispenza urged the Chicago-based Leadership Conference of Women Religious, an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic nuns, to address the issue and reach out to victims of nun abuse. He avoided school, sauntered around shops, cinemas, anywhere warm, until he was picked up and sent to an approved school for "delinquents". Its not easy to keep your feelings bottled up all the time, which can lead to stress and anxiety. At one time, the training nuns received was outdated and very harsh. They were like prison officers. Yet another was scarred after being scalded by a nun who accused her of not using enough hot water when washing. The judge-led Scottish child . "The dormitory would sleep 12. They were overworked and underpaid, treated like second-class citizens by a male hierarchy--and today we know that much of that hierarchy was secretly gay, and that many were even pedophiles, so they had a lot of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of their own to conceal. The children didn't speak about what had happened, "none of us did, believe it or not". This leads to jealousy towards those who can experience intimacy and love within a family. I think the average age for priests and nuns in the US today is like 70. (11 Reasons Why), Why Are Harleys So Expensive? They were raised in abusive homes and grew up as abusive adults. I am just wondering why. Aitken, who now lives near Chester, was taken to Nazareth House after his mother died in the 1930s. "But girls were beaten every day. Are just some of them mean? One of the heart-rending storylines of Paramount+'s Western series '1923' revolves around Teonna Rainwater, a Native American girl who gets tortured in a Catholic boarding school. I was in bed by 7pm and they used to check you were asleep with your hands across your chest. Cusiter fled home from that meeting with the nun. I remember when I met her I thought she was so smart and holy, oh yeah, and funny. Although her alleged abuser died in 2014, Finnegan said she still cannot bring herself to discuss the abuse openly, even after years of therapy and writing in her Abuse by nuns blog. To this day I cannot go into a loft or a small room and I sleep with the light on because of that. Most people would flinch from having to torture another human being, mainly because when we inflict harm on others, we share some of that pain (Credit: Alamy) Everyday sadists get pleasure from . The orphanage survivors' civil case must show that their complaints refer not just to rogue nuns but to a regime for which the order itself was responsible. We found nine reasons that may shock you. "The nuns would take off the belt and just hit you with it. On the other piece of paper he mapped all the features of the room behind that window, its pipes, floorboards, walls, doors, a cupboard. Gmail They are with kids at school every day from 9 to 3, she said. This is not the work of an obsessive, he says, just typical of an orphan. This definitely made it much worse. He had put a cross by one of the windows in the eaves. The scathing report, by Professor Bruce Grundy of Queensland University, told of how one girl, Helen Carter, had her legs burnt with a red-hot poker, to exorcise the Devil, while another child almost lost her legs which became infected after a nun pulled out her ingrowing toenails with pliers. Nuns are no different; however, we choose not to act upon these natural, sexual feelings and urges. January 22, 2011 in Spirituality, Religion and Beliefs. And 40 nuns belonging to the Poor Sisters of Nazareth and the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul are named in a civil action by more than 500 people, mostly middle-aged or elderly, who are claiming compensation from the orders. It was a very spartan regime. Well, I don't think that humans are meant to live without any intimacy; physical or emotional. For messing about in church. Above all, they tell of a complete lack of love in institutions where bewildered children could not comprehend why they were being treated in such a way or why their families had left them in the hands of the nuns. Cusiter was eight when her mother disappeared and she and her five brothers and sisters were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen's Nazareth House. Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. His childhood memories of the orphanage are filled with emotional and physical terror. In the grounds, he noticed that where once there were playing fields there was now a children's nursery. This vow means they will not have sex or engage in sexual activity, leading to frustration and feeling trapped. Sister Margaret McCurtain, a glinting Dominican scholar and one of Ireland's best-known Catholic reformers, suggests the "sexual oppression of nuns could emerge later in the form of cruelty". "The horrifying thing was that being hurt by implements was bad enough, but to see a holy person, a righteous person with - I don't want to exaggerate - a face full of hate, an angelic, holy face turning into a face of horror, a woman crunching her teeth in hate, going berserk, screaming while you are pleading for mercy, the wee leather boots just booting into you. Nuns indeed put in a lot of hard work. The boy forswears spending his pocket money, bad language and playing at fire engines, but the letter begins with "No Dirt At All", the 'No' underlined many times. Nuns have to obey their superiors, which can lead to a feeling of being trapped and powerless, and it can also lead to nuns being quite resentful towards those in positions of authority. There, he says, nuns regularly beat him and made him witness the violent degradation of other children. Six years ago, Joseph Currie was wandering past Nazareth House in Aberdeen, the place where he, too, spent his childhood. "This isn't revenge against the Catholic church, we just want them to come out of denial. When finally a key was found, they went in: the room was almost as he had left it, and behind a plywood panel there were his childhood documents, exactly as he had predicted. "I had three sons with my second husband. He was brought up in Smyllum Park orphanage in Lanark, run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. Think for example of other people in committed relationships. "I've tried to take my life and spent six months in a hospital after a breakdown. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Do Teachers Hate Gum? They'd lift the covers to see if your bed was wet. In most movies, nuns are seen as strange recluses from society. Not a day went by without someone getting a battering. No one did and I was just told to follow on. And thats a good thing for everyone involved. ), it wouldn't be hard to see why some Nuns are high-strung. The Nazareth House children face another difficulty: the time bar. Vera lived at the home with her two sisters from the age of six months until she was 17 years old. I've never found it easy forming relationships and had periods when I've had to go to hospital and had all sorts of problems.". We want them gone immediately, she said. She has never consulted lawyers, nor sought compensation from the church. Cusiter recalls a particular incident when Sister Alphonso came for her while she was playing on swings. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. When Finnegan finally summoned up the courage to confront Sister Mary Juanita in the early 1990s more than 20 years after graduating high school in 1969 she found herself tongue-tied. Some of these reasons include the high expectations placed on them, the fact that theyre not allowed to express their feelings, and many of them come from abusive or neglectful families. Jealous Nuns could be jealous of the attention that Catholic Mothers get. Well, the little girl in me wept because that kid had longed for Juanita to be a spiritual mother to me thats how I loved her, as a mother, she wrote. Finally, he took his own life. It's their power mania. Currie is one of the organisers. "Looking back, I think one of the reasons was that the nuns weren't happy and decided we damn well weren't going to be either. Coming from a guy who feel he has the right to condemn, criticise and berate the practice's of nearly two billion people, have you been given Carte Blanche on this board? "As a precaution, in case I died," he made a tape-recording and put two pieces of paper in an envelope. Fred Aitken is 70 years old and still he is haunted by sounds - the racket of children "banging their heads against the walls of the dormitories". and so on. But there is good news in all of this. by Kelly Many Guns , June 28, 2021. So now comes the question. Sometimes companions simply disappeared. I said, 'No, this is about crimes against children.' Maybe you started to believe it. "One of the worst things that ever happened to me was being locked in a cupboard as a punishment. There is the cruel nun (The Magdalene Sisters), the anti-fun nun (Sound of Music) . Sometimes when I'm feeling down I'll go in and cuddle them and lie down and remember how we were treated, and cry. He told a teacher about his embarrassment and she suggested that he could go into any church. 'sparing the rod' has nothing to do with punishment ..the rod mentioned in the bible was from the early times of agriculture & farming ..the oxes that pull the plough in order to stay on a straight line had the person with a long stick (called a rod) ..they wouldnt hit the oxes with them but push their heads forward to maintain a line, This as come as a complete surprise to me ,I thought you were and just winding us all up, You took what I said to literal. Finnegan told The Post she approached SNAP for support a few years earlier. She said, 'I was young at the time and I was just following orders.' She points out that "15 members of my group have taken their own lives. Dozens of former residents of homes in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Midlothian and Kilmarnock claimed they had suffered vicious beatings and sexual abuse. Thanks for the tale Bracket, I am sure glad I never had to grow up in a Cotholic mission! ", The Edinburgh lawyer representing Nazareth House, Dr Pamela Abernathy, insists, "No one still alive who was intimately connected with Nazareth House at the time has any recollection of such an incident, nor are there any records of the death of any child during that period.". They were let go home on some weekends and hollidays. What is it that makes these Nuns so down right nasty mean? I hope your not suggesting any of my post isn't true? And then she left. Finnegan, a widow whose husband was a former Catholic priest, now lives in Pennsylvania, where she has run a group home for needy children and is the minister of the Celtic Christian Church. They know what a 'broken heart' feels like and the betrayal that goes with it. You could be hit for talking in church. A helper, a big 20-year-old girl, dragged me to the washroom. Claims of abuse have been made about homes run by the order in places including Newcastle upon Tyne, Plymouth, Swansea, Manchester and Sunderland. i think they just really need to get laid, Damn nuns I don't think I have ever met a nun but damn them anyway errrrr. "I just want it out of my mind." No goodbyes. I just want to try to understand it. Not once did the nuns ask why I was off school or what was wrong with me. I don't know the answer, but i do know that my grandparents were in catholic school and they also told stories about nuns hurting the kids. "Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst." Why Are Nuns So Cruel? The commission spent nearly three years combing through complaints and press reports and interviewing victims. To learn more, you can also read our posts on why 911 operators are so rude, why judges are so rude, and why cops are so rude. "They'd come round the beds and make sure you were in the right position - flat on your back with arms crossed out of the covers (otherwise you'd be touching yourself). I was terrified the whole time and never had a happy day there. "You couldn't talk to the nuns in a jokey or friendly way. "I had a panic attack - I thought I was having a heart attack. Silence sometimes is a kind of defense which allows victims to hide from the pain (for a while).. IN THE early Seventies, six-year-old Simon Taylor (not his real name) was admitted to Nazareth House in Middlesbrough after his mother had a nervous breakdown. Women Religious orders are very closed systems, more so than the priesthood. "You could get hammered for anything. But after Pope Francis recently made the bombshell admission that some nuns were abused by priests and even used as sex slaves, dozens of Catholics have come forward to report a tangential, and just as evil, phenomenon sexual abuse by nuns. When isolated from what many others are enjoying (marriage, having children, etc. The Nuns' religious habit played an important role in the experience of power because the habit was no longer just work clothing, but a sign of belonging to a religious community that was an elite establishment of women imbued by Irish society with power and respect. He wasn't prepared to accept that it was the truth. I believe its what turns so many of them into nasty bitches in the convent.. It broke her heart." The one thing that I have found from talking to them and from past stories they have told me before they died was the Nuns of the Caotholic Missions were always mean and abusive to the children. Helen Howie, a 77-year-old woman who had been raised in the orphanage and later worked there as a helper, still remembers the blood on Cusiter's face. Nuns could be jealous of the attention that Catholic Mothers get. Never has been and never will be. Dr Abernathy denies the allegations of cruelty and abuse, and argues that for 130 years the Sisters of Nazareth "devoted their entire lives to the care of orphans, abandoned children, children from broken homes and in many cases children referred from the courts. The Irish Examiner newspaper, which has investigated the finances of the religious orders involved in running the laundries, says they owned assets in 2012 of 1.5bn euros ($1.9bn, 1.2bn). They did so because they wanted to jealously safeguard the gold standard for all children, a stable home run by their mothers and fathers. Nothing. The survivors have to get past the argument that the religious orders merely delivered the discipline that was standardised, sanctioned and universal in those days. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. Therefore, trying to live a perfect life is both impossible and unnecessary. She lived at Nazareth House homes in Newcastle and Carlisle until she was 13, in 1944. The punishments accelerated, she says, after she and her brother began running away. I hear stories about the nuns from non family members too and not many people have "Found memories" of their days with the nuns. Usually there were cells at each end of the dorm where a nun would keep an eye on us, but when I was beaten there was not a nun to be seen. She was there. Eoin O'Sullivan, the Irish historian of Catholic orphanages and schools, cites a very public challenge to the church by Father Flanagan, the priest whose humane childcare was the model for Spencer Tracy in the film, Men Of Boys Town. Currie, now in his early 50s, lives in a Glasgow tenement. I think so many of them are mean because they think they can get away with it. I was up at 5am scrubbing floors, doing laundry. They aren't children's homes any longer. By We were just miserable people, that was all. The current limit on cases before that date is being challenged in the courts, and members of the Scottish parliament are mooting a change in the law. After graduating high school in 1969, Finnegan struggled to deal with the abuse and tell her story, but her efforts fell on deaf ears. Finally, they will have a chance at justice, she said. Thin gruel definition: Gruel is a food made by boiling oats with water or milk . The strap was socially acceptable. "One cold winter's morning at about 6.30, when I was about 11, I was kneeling in church saying my prayers when I sneezed. Archbishop Mario Conti, Scotland's most senior Catholic churchman, has accused the former Nazareth House inmates of being seekers not of justice but of "pots of gold". So we swapped our sheets for her, rinsed the wet one out and went to dry it on the radiator. My Father's Story on the Nuns and Priests. Fyfe argues that the cultures of orphanages and schools tend to be specific and different - he also represents clients who were in the hands of the de la Salle monks in Britain, against whom there are more allegations of sexual abuse than there are against the Nazareth House nuns. See Details 2.Why were Irish Nuns so Cruel? It was born out of a fascination with the women who choose . (9 Reasons Why), Why Are Customers So Rude? Nuns should strive to serve their Lord and Savior as best they can. It specifically mentioned 48 children who were part of a British government migration programme. ", Like other inmates, Cusiter vividly recalls night-time. Or worse. Boil until it thickens, add a cup of new milk, turn into a double boiler, and cook again for twenty or thirty minutes. Once I was beaten black and blue, so badly I had to stay in the infirmary for five weeks, and when I came out I was given a bag of sweets and told to tell no one about what happened. Last week, New York opened up a window for old cases with the passage of the Child Victims Act. After all, we all have our own crosses to bear. Narcissistic people can be mean for a variety of reasons. Some nuns are just following the example set by other nuns. Its crucial for nuns to be aware of this and to try to break the cycle. Nuns used to be cruel; that much is true. It's easy! When the child was taken to the dentist, he asked, "What's all this bruising?" For a minor misdemeanour, children had to kneel down and face the wall of the main corridor while nuns passed. If you did it wrong, you got a clip." Their accounts of life in the various homes have a common theme: of thrashings even for the most minor misdemeanour or failing, be it sneezing, wetting the bed, or forgetting the words of a hymn. She was three or four years old. Imagine trying to be perfect all the time. The children were beaten regularly and the nuns were never really nice to them. "The real meaning of 'dirt' was sexual abuse," Currie says, "I felt dirty. One bed-wetter was held out of the window by her ankles as punishment. A retired telephonist living in an elegant Glasgow apartment block for senior citizens recalls that "several of the children were force-fed. They are recalling what were, after all, very public regimes of pain and punishment. And then I just remember leaving. I believe in God, though". "When I left [the Cardiff home] at 18 I was just handed a suitcase with hardly anything in it and shown the door. I think that's the way many of them were trained, in a very authoritarian church. Sister Mary Juanita Barto and Cait Finnegan in high school, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Judge shoots down Trumps bid to delay E. Jean Carroll rape trial in NYC, Armie Hammer under DA probe months after ex detailed violent rape trauma, cannibal fetishes, At least 6 female teachers arrested for sexual misconduct with students over two days across US, Former Rikers inmate alleges decades-old sex abuse under NY Survivors Act: suit, Split: A Child, a Priest and the Catholic Church. Feminist scholar Ailbhe Smyth adds, "Christianity tells us that we have to help the poor, but we don't have to like them. ", She is outraged by suggestions that her motivation is securing compensation. House Dems want White House to hand over Trump-Putin meeti Haribo fans shocked to learn green gummy bear flavor: 'Calling the police', Woman fatally shot by upstate NY homeowner after pulling into wrong driveway: sheriff, Yuengling takes apparent jab at Bud Light with conspicuous tweet, Pump Rules alum Billie Lee exits Tom Sandovals home in same clothes from night prior, Robert Kraft, Meek Mill to march in Poland to fight anti-Semitism, Janet Jackson chokes up talking about son Eissa with Today, Larry Brooks previews seventh playoff series between Rangers, Devils, Even AOC Cant Believe Netflix Crashed During Love Is Blind Live Reunion, Viewers pan Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos' 'brutal' first 'Live' show together. (11 Reasons Why). He is never surprised by attempts to discredit people like himself. The Sisters of Nazareth lawyer, Dr Abernathy, points out that Nazareth Houses were overseen by local authorities and by the government. But, back in the day, this is how nuns were taught, and its no wonder they turned out to be so cruel. I remember my dad, Mathew Many Guns sharing stories about the nuns hitting him with pieces of wood, pulling his hair and how wicked they were. Currie had likened some of his childhood documents to a diary, but the archbishop insists, "only three sheets of paper were found, two containing aspirations Joseph had listed for himself and the other listing the timing of the Benny Hill show on TV". ", Docherty worked for most of his life as a driver, and for as many years he has been "in and out of Alcoholics Anonymous. He ran away constantly, and in his early teens one of his older sisters, then living in one room, took him in and tried to take care of him. She, too, remembers the nuns' nocturnal inspections. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. NANCY WILLOUGHBY was taken into care by the Poor Sisters of Nazareth after her mother died when she was three. You believe the bibles the word of god? Kathleen Batey, a 47-year-old cleaner living near Newcastle United Football Club's mighty stadium, is not one of the campaigners seeking legal redress. While your doing that, tell any stories of nuns that you might have. Its no wonder nuns can be so cruel. My Grandmother has told me many stories of the evil nuns. More than 14 percent of nuns have been sexually abused themselves, said Finnegan. "Ruthless and sadistic madness on the part of least some of the nuns and a depthless depravity on the part of some of the men are the defining characteristics of at least some of those who ran the orphanage," wrote Professor Grundy. It was a form of mental torture.". "I remember being told repeatedly by the nuns that I had been put there because I was naughty and because my family did not want me. Thankfully, those methods have changed, and nuns are now taught with more compassion. She also wants the Vatican to require Catholic leaders to contact police right away if they are confronted with abuse, rather than alerting local bishops or other church hierarchy first. You'd hear their footsteps but you didn't know who they were. It was so tragic. "We've had a lifetime of being accused of being liars and cheats, searching for a pot of gold." She was eight. ", Other inmates have similar memories. "I told a doctor about the nuns. When my grandma first went there she only spoke her native language, she spoke no english at all. Any child caught speaking native was punished. In some cases, they may be trying to manipulate or control the people around them. But the babies and children who died at the home were buried in these crypt-like chambers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now, 30 years on, he wanted the police and his solicitor to find those hidden documents because, he believed, they would confirm his recollections of his time at the orphanage. I know that they are supposed to be married to god and suchbut when you are married to a guy that is never around, doesn't talk to you, sets up impossible rules, and never has sex with youwell you would be cranky too. I felt terrible all over again.". There were separate quarters for boys and girls, and the siblings were allowed no communication, though they would see each other across a crowded church on Sundays and on the school bus. She remembers Nazareth the house as "spooky, horrible". "I was spat on. "So I went to St Mary's Cathedral in Aberdeen and I said, 'There's this man comes to the home and plays with my private parts.' I'd have left you you're just Glasgow tinks.' 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