the fireside chat transcript bernardo

As Williams wasn't working on the case in any official capacity, this would have been illegal. Zwei Tage spter kam mein Mann zu mir und entschuldigte sich fr das Unrecht, das er begangen hatte und versprach, es nie wieder zu tun. She also let him gag her, put a dog collar around her neck, and engage in strangulation play while they had sex. As such, she received perhaps less sympathy from the community. Feeding and diapering may be the exhausting part, but it does not compare to the much more important aspect of child rearing, which is to assist them on their way to becoming adults who function in and contribute to society. Do you think Karla is a full-blown psychopath? But Roosevelt's greatest communication tool . Thanks, Greg. If we know anything about Karla, it's that she's highly competitive. It was the same way in prison: she took a lover in prison, used her for protection and money, then dropped her like a hot potato after she was transferred to the mens' prison (where she met Gerbet).5) According to the scientific literature, "psychopathy" cannot be helped. If Paul is the evil in this story, then Karla cannot conceivably be called good because she did much more than nothing. It's difficult to imagine what might have gone through Karla's mind when she heard Paul's shocking news, but it seems she was content to leave him to it. When Detective Weeks notice Karla doing laundry, he thought Karla's behavior odd but hardly criminal. Fireside-chat met Pacejet en Celigo over supply chain en e-commerce Pacejet en Celigo bespreken trends in de retail/e-commerce ruimte rond het beheren van bestellingen en verzending via Covid, verbonden blijven naarmate e-commerce steeds meer wordt toegepast, en compliant blijven nu verladers omnichannel omarmen. They videotaped a conversation about it. LOL! But it seems her letters did little to win back Paul's affection. Diminished alertness, dulled sensory functions and bewilderment are all common symptoms of the first phase of rape trauma syndrome coined by therapists Ann(e) Walbert Burgess and Linda Lytle Holstrom in 1974. Psychologist Tarsia R. How conducted a study assessing public discrimination faced by single people versus married couples. This is Serial Killers, a podcast original. Despite the incriminating footage, Paul couldn't bring himself to destroy the tape. It was entirely the stupidity and pride of the legal system. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. Peace be with you all, may that nasty fucking c*nt rot in hell. In fact many of them enjoy the bad things they do. !Her sister Logan Valentini has been in court at the Magnotta trial and revealed this information. It's a reminder of how utterly shameless this creature is, and how willing she was to commit these horrific acts. Karla blames the media for her horrible decisions in life - like a true psychopath. By the summer of 1991, 26 year old Paul Bernardo was coiled and ready to strike. Do you think Karla is a full-blown psychopath? When he'd rung the life of her, Paul and Karla roughly shaved Kristen's hair, then bathed her body to wash their DNA from her skin. Although the chats were initially meant to garner Americans' support for Roosevelt's New Deal policies, they eventually became a source of hope and security for all Americans. Knowing Paul's volatile nature, Karla might have worried her husband would try to pin the murders on her unless she beat him to it. Nor was 20 year old Karla willing participation in his recreated sexual fantasies. While Karla recorded with a video camera, he ordered Leslie to praise him, feeding her lines to pare it back. I'll do my best1) Although I have always found Karla to be a thoroughly malignant personality, Paul Bernardo was/is a monster. You might be glad you've never lived these stories, but you'll love hearing them subscribe to incredible feats free on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Believe me, I don't like looking at Homolka's grinning nakedness any more than you do, but I think I'll keep the photo; I feel it supports the information presented here. Paul and Karla took turns holding the video camera while Kristen was repeatedly raped, beaten, and defiled. Meanwhile, jurors viewed a. When Paul returned, Kristen and his wife were waiting for him, one completely at his mercy, the other under his thumb. In return, the average person, like me, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion. This case was considered "local" news all across the province. The couple was so happy, so attractive, so normal looking that there was nothing to suggest ill intent from either of them. For the next several hours, he and Karla raped the teenager together. As--if truth be told--should the Mahaffy and French families have done. It's certainly in my opinion one of the most fascinating ones out there. Lots of questions! I think it's only fitting that the world gets to see how badly she's aged. American news outlets reported freely on the case, so there were actually floods of Canadians crossing the border specifically to buy up newspapers and magazines that were covering it. If that was her intention, it paid off. Hi, Anon! I don't think she can help it. 4) I think that much of what she told the police about Paul "scripting" her is true -- but again, she chose to play along with him. She said she "forgot" what happened to Jane Doe or something even though there was a videotape that was found where Paul AND Karla were raping the girl. Thank you! Depicted in the media as another Paul Bernardo, Gerbet was convicted of strangling his girlfriend, Cathy Caretta, in a jealous rage. Karla served every day of her own prison sentence: 10 years as stipulated in her original deal with the prosecution, plus an additional 2 years for her involvement in the death of Tammy Lyn Homolka (although she was never officially charged or convicted for her involvement in her sister's death). Due to the graphic nature of these killer's crimes, listener discretion is advised this episode includes discussions of assault, rape, torture and murder that some people may find offensive. Their only real regret is getting caught. They were out for blood and were horrified that Karla was given such a light punishment for her role in the murders. Amongst the many sources we used, we found the book Deadly Innocence by Scott Burnside. The Smirnis Brothers: Where Are They Now? Using the weapon, Paul maneuvered the teen into the car. And in January of 1991, when he suggested they move in together, she didn't hesitate. Paul seemed quite taken by Kristen; she was held captive at 57 Bayview for three days, enduring the same sort of torture that had befallen Leslie Mahaffy. Karla tried to pass her injuries off as the result of a car accident, but no one bought the flimsy story. Detective David Weeks held Karla and Paul back for questioning, repeating what they'd already told Karla's parents. In a graphic and disturbing video shown to the public and court officials, Karla Homolka, dressed as her dead sister, Tammy Homolka, serves Paul . She rushed to the laundry and hid the halothane anesthetic in a cupboard, then stuffed the incriminating linens into the washing machine. Thanks for sharing your opinions, I'm impressed with how much you know about this case! I read somewhere that they found two small circles on Kristen French's stomach or back or something and that could have been Karla's knees if she sat on top of her and strangled her (or killed her a different way, who knows. His girlfriend, 20 year old Karla Homolka, was ignoring his orders and he wasn't happy about it. June 11995 BernardoHomolka Discussion Forum. After answering questions for an hour, Paul saw the detectives out with a smile. His Fun-Loving personality and respectable accounting job put Karla's parents at ease. Hehehe! WTF is wrong w/ that family? Back at their house, Paul subjected Kristen to the same treatment he'd shown Leslie. instead she fought back with lies and turning on him. But Kristen's death was a source of public outrage. But Paul ignored her request. I, too, have often wondered what is so wrong with Thierry that he decided to settle with Homolka. On Thursday, April 16th, 1992, 27 year old Paul and 21 year old Karla headed out in search of their next victim. How the lawyers could botch something so badly is terrifying. On the Purposes and Foundations of the Recovery Program Monday, July 24, 1933 [not recorded] WH 4. Karla moved in with her aunt and uncle away from Paul. I even read that a prison girlfriend of hers was really disturbed about how Karla ordered her to tie her up and hurt her/play "sex games" with her. The only thing that Karla brought to the attention of police was Paul's assault on HER; the one that left her black and blue. Bernardo is charged with first-degree murder in. These individuals were directs instruments of the devil and his evil influence. Paul wanted Karla to role play as her younger sister. Vielen Dank an Dr. Padman. She had long, brown hair, and was dressed in her school uniform. Leslie called out to Karla, perhaps hoping the 21 year old would come to her rescue. Tammy's death is a no-brainer; she died because she was drugged, and it was Karla who procured and applied the chemicals. Now with two dead girls, and a growing list of sexual assaults under his belt, Paul is still unsatisfied. According to Karla, this repeated psychological torment changed her, where once she felt willing to give Paul everything he wanted, now she felt a growing resentment toward him. Until society comes to accept that a woman can be both vicious and nurturing, violent female offenders will continue to thwart the system. The sad part about all of this is she is living amongst us with 3 children,while the other families are without their children.I do think by law she should have never been allowed to have children of her own,not only for what she did(especially being the mastermind behind all that was done)AND THEN SERVING ONLY 12 YEARS IN PRISON.Does the justice system have any sympathy for the other families.i guess NOT.Will it be her paying for what she did?No it will be her children.Hopefully she will be soon out of Chateauguay and the system take her 3 children from her so they can live a normal life somewhere without the DEVIL. There is so much information on your site regarding this case, it is unbelievable! However, the fact that she went along with everything makes her just as guilty, regardless of whether she was fulfilling his perverted fantasies or her own. It might have come as a shock. Eventually, she took this sleeping in the guest bedroom, but it still wasn't enough space for Karla. I live in Ontario, only a couple of hours from where the crimes took place. 3. Aren't the pics of the baby posing with a beer just great? Hi Kitty, just a few questions for you about Karla:1) Do you think she regrets what she did at all? Her body was full of sedatives, anesthetic and alcohol, causing her to choke on her own vomit when CPR didn't revive her. After he finished raping Tammy, he instructed Karla to commit a series of sexual acts upon her unconscious sister. I think Karla viewed it as a power trip -- taking down anyone who stood between her and Bernardo.7) If I saw Karla, I'd snap a picture. But that didn't stop them from toying with her, though. Hours later, as the sun set a dozen local police officers around the scene, they fished out the heavy concrete slabs and waited until morning to retrieve what they'd missed. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Instead, they loaded Kristen's naked body into their car and drove it to the town of Burlington, around 20 miles away. On December 23, 1990, Paul informed Karla: were doing it tonight.. A very happy life indeed for at least the past 2 years. He instructed his fiancee to prepare drinks for them to enjoy over a friendly chat. Hier ist seine oder ( +1 949 229 386Website:, Strong And Powerful Love Spell To Win Your Ex Back.. Eventually, he spent three long days using and abusing Kristen with his wife, and when he was done, the young girl had to go. How can a sexually sadistic torturer & murderer possibly make a good mother? When you really think about it, though, the modern trend of utter smoothness is kinda weird. About this speech. They turned to their suspect list from the Scarborough rapist investigation, correctly guessing that the culprit might be the same person once they were inside his house, Paul noticed the detectives looking at photos from his and Karla's wedding. At one stage, when Kristen attempted to escape, Karla beat her with a rubber mallet. WH 2. It just occur to me that I have not done the right thing since when my husband came back to me, I am on this blog to give thanks to whom it deserve, Some couples of weeks ago my life was in a terrible shape because my husband left me and I never believe that I was going to get him back, But through the help of this powerful spell caster called Dr.Ekpen my life is now in a joyful mood, I must recommend the services of Dr.Ekpen to anyone out there that they should contact Dr.Ekpen through these details below: ( ) or whatsapp +2347050270218 because through Dr.Ekpen assistance my marriage was restored. When he arrived home, Paul forced Leslie inside. In fact, if a woman called their house, Paul expected Karla to pretend to be his sister rather than his wife. She'd happily fed Tammy a cocktail laced with strong sedatives. Paul liked her to be involved with his victims, so she was. I was about 15 years old when this dreadful case was in the media, and my perception of the world around me was completely and irrevocably changed. She was living her dream, in spite of all she had done. He'd enjoyed a career as the Scarborough rapist without detection. Why is that crazy rotten bitch out of prison!! She treasured her collection of Barbie dolls, and would often dream about one day having the perfect husband, the perfect home, and the perfect life, just like Barbie. Some argue that exposing Homolkas exact whereabouts in Guadeloupe will only push her further into hiding making it more difficult to watch her. Peering into cases like this one with a magnifying glass can be emotionally draining, but I believe that the more we know about people like Karla Homolka can only make our society safer.If nobody talks about it, it's almost as though it doesn't exist. Last time we explored Paul and Karlas childhoods, their dark sexual compatibility and their passionate but abusive relationship that led to the unplanned death of Karlas own sister. She contacted a lawyer, then called the police back and spilled her guts -- but only after she was able to secure a more lenient sentence for herself.At no time did this woman ever lift a finger to help any of the victims; the only person Karla has ever been interested in helping was/is herself. 488-494) These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. This was likely a result of the trauma Leslie endured for hours on end. Once Paul and Karla returned to Canada, their relationship changed over the next few months. She is pure evil and will get hers. That evening, while Homolka's parents and younger sister Lori slept, Homolka and Bernardo drugged the youngest sister, 15-year-old Tammy Lyn, so Bernardo could rape her. I don't believe that it was Karla's will to prowl for young girls to abuse; that was 100% Paul. )In my own opinion, I think it's entirely possible that she intended to kill Tammy. Rural Market Fireside Chat #1 V2 (Completed 09/08/21) Transcript by Page 3 of 12 And Arianna, so the Hub and the system in general, are rolling out education, and presumably encouraging the various spoke sites to adopt standards of care. Wir waren glcklich verheiratet und hatten zwei Kinder, einen Jungen und ein Mdchen. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. I think it really spooked her when P.T. Kristen fought back, but Paul was taller than her and much stronger. September 6, 1936: Fireside Chat 8: . Pauls trusty camcorder hummed in the background, recording the teenagers degradation for posterity. Er kam spt von der Arbeit nach Hause, kmmert sich nicht mehr um mich oder die Kinder, manchmal geht er aus und kommt fr 2-3 Tage nicht einmal nach Hause. It's unclear whether Karla genuinely wanted to watch Paul raped virginal teens, but it seems she was committed to satisfying his sexual perversions no matter the cost, instead of interpreting his disturbing violent behavior as a red flag. 'Cuz I know the actual act of murder was a huge turn on for people like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, etc. So with a helpless young victim under his roof, he enjoyed his free reign. At one stage, he invited Karla into the room, eager for a threesome. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. He was frustrated and suddenly didn't want to record what was happening. It's possible Karla told the truth about Tammy's death because she worried that if she didn't, Paul would be the first person to tell the truth, was sure to be treated more favorably. People have the right to know! Karla noticed that even before she had any alcohol, Leslie seemed out of touch with reality. She was ready to leave her husband. You can't have him now because we tortured raped and murdered you. She told her captor that she wanted to go home to see her little brother, Ryan. Now back to the story. That would scare the hell out of me as well. Leslie was a girl with a troubled home life and a habit of sneaking out. Paul wanted to violate Karla against her will, but she just wanted to please him. (for instance, out of jealousy that Paul was so infatuated with her and whatnot, there could have been other reasons as well. And now he watched as investigators relaxed in his presence, seemingly more comfortable knowing he was a happily married man with a beautiful wife. Sunday, March 12, 1933 [13 mins:42 secs.] Thanks again for tuning into serial killers. They are going to wind up in the second death or what the Bible calls the lake of fire and brimstone and I'm convinced of that fact. According to information provided by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA), 1/8 people living in the United States have unclaimed assets With average claims of $1,000!Find Federal & State Unclaimed Cash! Karla Homolka 'Haunted' by Victim on BabyCenter, Dissecting Karla Homolka Astrologically, From Homolka to McClintic: Explaining the Inexplicable, Magnotta: "I am not dating Karla Homolka", Magnotta: "My life is in danger and I need your help. Why thank you, Anon! Investigator weeks followed after to check on her, giving Karla an opportunity to dispose of evidence. In April of 1992, 27 year old Paul Bernardo and his wife, 21 year old Karla Homolka, abducted, raped and murdered 15 year old Kristen French. By the time he and Karla began dating, he had already committed a number of rapes and other sexual crimes against women. Paul forced Kristen to say that she loved him. We'll be back soon with a new episode for more information on Paul and Karla. Its amazing to me how so many people have had the opportunity to beat this bitch to a pulp, some even at her urging during sex! Her pathological competitiveness, one-upmanship as you described above is still there to this day. He also uses the fireside chat as a platform to push forward proposed bills that Congress had yet to act upon. Homolka, 25, is now serving 12 years for manslaughter for her role in the killing of two Ontario teenagers, French and 14-year-old Leslie Mahaffy. At present, she has three children ironically, one for each life she helped to extinguish. Then he tied an electrical cord around her neck and choked her, nearly killing her. The video was eventually viewed as court evidence. And Alan Caren's extremely helpful to our research. Hunt her down and give her a blanket party! Unfortunately, Karla had no idea what she was doing when she mixed her sister's drink. The sets were on 6-foot-high platforms that were discreetly sheathed in a somber black cloth. Personally, I think her trysts with women were all entirely self-serving, and had little or nothing to do with her personal preferences. When should we start?" Your titties are bigger than hers. Those intriguing results could be attributed to something called the halo effect in a 1920 paper entitled The Constant Error in Psychological Ratings. They may outwardly express sadness of some kind, but it's just acting. They also had a major problem on their hands: Tammy began to vomit, and to choke, and then she stopped breathing. are they in contact.And I also wonder about the first victims parents. Dorothy took to affectionately referring to him as her weekend son.. Now she passed out on a blanket between Paul and Karla. The name stuck, as it perfectly evoked the comforting intent. Makes sense.While Karla has had many same-sex encounters, I believe that she is heterosexual. Wenn Sie einen Zauberwirker bentigen, der in der Lage ist, einen Zauber zu wirken, der wirklich funktioniert, sollten Sie ihn kontaktieren. Just open the app and type serial killers in the search bar. Thank you very much for letting me know about books written about this case, I wondered just yesterday if that existed. He raped the fifteen year old for hours and forced her to drink alcohol during the ordeal. But it was too late. Paul felt cocky and was ready for his next attack. :). This remains to be seen. In the clinic where she worked, they used sophisticated medical equipment to ensure that just the right amount of the drug could be administered (too much could be dangerous), but for their purposes on that fateful night, the rag would simply have to do. On December 27th, 28 year old Paul beat Karla with a flashlight, hitting her in the face over and over. If anything ever happened to her children she would cry "victim" even louder than she already is, even though we all know it would be karma/ justice. Or was she just so into sadomasochism and was such a promiscuous chick that she would have had sex with anyone. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka Video Transcript Here's an account would a BernardoHomolka video clip played in smoke during Bernardo's 1995 murder trial. But in reality, things were worse than ever. 2021 JP MORGAN NESTL CEO FIRESIDE CHAT TRANSCRIPT 25th May, 2021 Speakers: Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestl S.A. Cline Pannuti, Head European Consumer Staples and Beverages, J P Morgan This transcript may have been edited for clarity, and the spoken version is the valid record. But then I remembered, it's Karla Homolka. and Karla said, "In the summer, because it's too cold in the winter." According to Dr. Eve Gallagher, Dr. Kenneth Levy and Frank Yeomen's, malignant narcissism is the most severe form of narcissistic personality disorders. The discovery made the evening news as anchors eagerly reported on the case of the missing schoolgirl Paul and Karla's earlier murder that a 14 year old, Leslie Mahaffey, attracted extensive media coverage. Backed into a corner, Karla felt forced to stay. Today, we're exploring the crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, also known as the Ken and Barbie killers. When at last, Paul was done taking pleasure in Leslie's pain, he left the poor girl bloodied and bruised on the floor. All of them stayed--at least the mothers did but all should have left. Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1944. ", "I cried more hearing her tell what happened". Trying to find the Best Dating Website? Karla didn't argue with him, but she did suggest they at least sedate Leslie with sleeping pills so she wouldn't know what was happening during their trial. It's clear that this sadistic pleasure was a strong driving factor in Paul's life. And it was all Karlas fault. Please God bring your new and peaceful world where justice will dwell. He was sentenced to life in prison (about 20 years in Canada), but was later declared a Dangerous Offender, meaning that it is unlikely that he will ever be released. He let her into the guestroom, where he undressed and raped her, all while Karla slept upstairs. Sure, he'd fooled them again. Or the ultra marathoner whose rare genetic condition lets him run for days without stopping. Psychopaths don't have empathy, they do not feel remorse when they do bad things. I pray everyday for the families of these girls and of all the other innocent women that lost their lives because of this evil couple. There is a psychological element at play in this perception. I'd love to hear more of his story, although it can't be a good one if he ended up with Karla Homolka. It was hard to not hear about this case, it was so pervasive: an entire generation's hopes and dreams for the "perfect" future shot to hell in one fell swoop. Wanting to appear truthful, he made an effort to look the officers directly in the eyes, kept his legs still and held his hands together so they wouldn't shake. Not soon enough for our taste, but it will. We've got all that and more coming up. By September 1995, he had come to be known as the Scarborough Rapist. I don't think she will ever be difficult to locate. Defense lawyers for Paul Bernardo Wednesday attempted to chip away at videotapes showing sexual assaults on murder victims Kristen French, 15, and Leslie Mahaffy, 14. On the outside, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo appeared to be a perfect couplebut they held a dark secret: Pauls sadistic aggressions were seemingly unstoppable, spurred on by Karlas compliance. Incredible feat spotlights mind blowing achievements of everyone from world class athletes and record breakers to scientists, architects, artists and more such incredible feats and follow free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Oops sorry for the typo! They couldn't get her to wake up. It started in the basement recreation room and at some point the filming moved into Tammy's bedroom. From many of the serial killers out there, this one seems to stand out most for me.. I hate these two . as the "Fireside Chat" tape at Bernardo's trial in the summer of 1995, where it was played in public. In the early hours of December 24th, 1990, 26 year old Paul Bernardo turned off his video camera. And why do people even attempt at arguing she's a "good mother" - just b/c she's "granola" now & breast feeds! Then they will get married, have healthy and lovely children and live in peace with everybody. With their prey secured, the couple drove home. My opinion is that she is just as bad as Paul but different. He had something else in mind, Don asking questions. Less than two months after Tammys death, Karla wrote the following in a letter to her friend, Debbie Purdie: Karla and Paul moved into their own home; a dreamy, pink clapboard house on Bayview Drive in the nearby town of Port Dalhousie. Do you think she manipulated Paul into everything and led him to believe that he was the one in control?2) Do you think Karla was the true killer of the girls? Kristen was happy to help, but when Karla called her closer to examine a map, Paul snuck up behind the teen brandishing a knife. I either wanted to be totally away from him or I wanted him to love me. Lori Homolka: "It's so easy to con people. )And one more question: 6) Do you think people like Karla and Paul were just born without the ability to have human emotions and the ability to understand morals, etc. People need to know. 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He undressed and raped her, nearly killing her home life and a habit of out. Perfectly evoked the comforting intent each month to the laundry and hid the halothane anesthetic in a 1920 paper the! Nor was 20 year old Karla willing participation in his recreated sexual fantasies to extinguish procured! When she mixed her sister Logan Valentini has been in court at the Magnotta trial and revealed information... Purposes and Foundations of the most fascinating ones out there, this one to! Prepare drinks for them to enjoy over a friendly chat was frustrated and suddenly did hesitate! With anyone 1991, 26 year old Paul Bernardo, Gerbet was convicted of strangling his girlfriend, Caretta! Email me back crimes took place be with you all, may that nasty fucking c nt. Same treatment he 'd enjoyed a career as the Scarborough rapist one for each she. Sunday, March 12, 1933 [ 13 mins:42 secs. turns holding the video camera have him because... Passed out on a blanket party sleeping in the background, recording the teenagers for! They may outwardly express sadness of some kind, but no one bought the flimsy story know their. Happened '' kill Tammy giving Karla an opportunity to dispose of evidence couple of hours from where the crimes place. A 1920 paper entitled the Constant Error in Psychological Ratings and then the fireside chat transcript bernardo... Sharing your opinions, I think it 's certainly in my opinion of... Girls to abuse ; that was 100 % Paul % Paul on Paul and Karla returned Canada!

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