simparica trio for dogs side effects

This medication is given once a month by mouth, with or without food. We went to an emergency vet who was able to get us referred to a neurologist. I'm so sorry. It is a very traumatic experience that I saw my 1 year old dog go through and now no lo ever here. Im throwing away the remaining 5 pills and going back to a topical medicine. Before he took his first doe of Simparica he was fast running, and flying through the house and yard. I disagree. Overview. Gave our Bloodhound Simparico Trip on Tuesday on Thursday he got extremely thirsty and was peeing everywhere from drinking so much water. I did find another one in New Hampshire but I know like everyone else that all we be negative just like all tests done so far. My aunt gave her 5.5-kg, 13-year-old female shih tzu the first dose of Simparica and she has never been the same as she shows symptoms of cardiopulmonary illness: lethargy, loss of appetite, vomit, coughing, seizure and excessive drinking. Hi Laura, just wondering what supplements you gave your pup to help and how long it took for her to get back to herself after simparica. Then gave me pills of prednisone for him to take 1 pill twice a day . She's not drinking water or eating all she wants to do is sleep. But the wandering and "head pressing" it's called, where they just go into the corner or lean against a table leg or the wall. It is still hard for me to get through this because I cant believe a company is getting away with killing animals and they dont care, so please , I know a lot of pet owners have no issues but do you really want to take that chance? Sound familiar? My chihuahua was given this three weeks back, I actually requested I kept my old treatment but they assured me it was safe and good. Gave my dogs simparica and they both have lost their appetite! All oral tick meds are a risk. I am so upset - I gave it to him last week and he had an accident in the house. He is not the same puppy prior to two days ago! Trifexis is much safer and I really don't care about the ticks - I can pull those off. I have her home, but she has been at the Emergency Vet last night, and her normal vet all day. These signs usually resolve without treatment. The ataxia, peeing himself, tremors started again. The next month on a sunny weekend, we have him his meds and took him on a walk with his basket muzzle. This is so scary. Puppy is having seizures and has aspirated pneumonia. She is more worried about excessive thirst, lip smacking and her kidneys. The company will not cover any products purchased through sites like Chewy or 1-800-Pet-Meds because they cannot be tracked to ensure they're legitimate and properly stored/handled (and due to the company's stance on product diversion). The day I gave it to him, he was up all night just randomly crying and yelping like he was in pain. Bellas suffered an 8 month bout of puppy strangles (autoimmune disorder) starting at 11 weeks of age. Simparica Trio is just one of many parasite prevention products on the market for dogs. But you can use a collar or topical for ticks if needed. Reported this to FDA today-, My 14 year old was up on simparica about a year ago and her whole demeanor has changed. all my dogs were prescribed and my eldest dog has had a strange reaction hives all over his body, panting, restless started same night he took the pill but has had the product on previous occasions with no side effects but this time he had a that reaction,had to administer meticam for the pain and antihistamines for the hives - he is still not right after 4 days and my other dog louie has always suffered from seizures since a pup vet say possible epilepsy - managed without medication at present and I do always try to avoid medication with him as they always make his seizures worse - I am so angry for not researching this further before .. After about 35 days he was back to normal. He seems back to his normal self and playing with his toys, but we will not continue the following doses! I have to turn him around and lead him away. We gave our one year old Simparica tonight and he started having trimmers that lasted on and off for about 30 minutes. I also am seeking information as to if there is a class action suit against this company because there should be. He slowly recovered over 3 weeks until he is just now starting to return to normal activity level. It didnt even occur to me it could be the drug as my doctor just gave individual pills and I didnt get to read side effects. I went to zoetis and Expressed my views and they said the FDA report meant nothing and it was in America. If your dog vomits or has diarrhea after . My 12 yr-old Chihuahua mix is losing his hair right above his nose. It has been one week and she has been acting very anxious since. I hate giving her these drugs in the first place but am always convinced it is the right thing to do. They are monitoring her. For Instance he has never liked grooming, I brushed him out last night and he slept through the whole thing. Did anyone see any signs of improvement in their dogs? gave this to my dog three different times. I returned that medicine back to the vet and bought Revolution! I will not be giving him simparica again. These dog training tips will help you get started. Then she lost control of her legs and couldn't walk or stand. I gave our 15 month old small dog mix sampitico trio yesterday and today he is lethargic and vomiting. However, some dog parents prefer to use separate products. 3 days later, one of the dogs had severe vomiting for a day, then turned into severe golden diaherria going on a week now! Way too much of a coincidence. He had a serious skin issue a few months back and it was blamed on fleas. I went to banfield hospital and they prescribed this medication for my dog and had thrown up non stop since he was given the pill and wouldnt eat anything and he passed away 10 days later (yesterday). I'll be calling them tomorrow. I can not find any information on a delayed reaction AND my Vet just discredits that its the Simparica because my dog goes to Daycare and could be exposed to other mystery things. His neck felt swollen and he was panting heavily gasping for air. the vet suggested it because she has hookworm..This morning she was shaking and no appetite..After reading all these comments I am scared to death for her. They want another blood draw in 3 weeks to see where she is. Simparica Trio costs less per dose when purchased in a 12-pack (compared to the six-pack or individual doses). I am up writing this 4 a.m. since our Lambchop is too restless to sleep! Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel) tablets for dogs Revolution Plus (selamectin and sarolaner) topical solution for cats These products are approved for the treatment and. My 1 1/2 year old shepherd also had a seizure 24 hours after the second dose. Although the mother that took the same had not shown any effects. We gave Simparica two days ago and he's not had an appetite, he's eating grass, is drinking a lot of water and sleeping. This is because it doesn't kill adult heartworms. I wish every one the best. My family saw it , I did not . The seizure has finally stopped and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. Gave my 28lb German Spitz her monthly prescibed dose of Simparica. We gave our guy one dose about a week ago and same day he had had a seizure. Another one of our dogs also has had several episodes of suddenly crying as if she is in great pain and also began within a week of administering the poison (please don't call this a medicine, it is a poison intended to kill fleas and other bugs and in this case it can also kill your doggie). Gave our 23 month old Black Lab. Simparica is only safe for dogs. My Juno has been eating and playing but she is very tired more tired than usual. Im trying to understand how. She has what is called knuckling. It is now day 37 since her last Simparica and I will not ever give her another one. If only one percent of dogs have reaction to these drugs and 100,000 pups are given the drugs, think how many that would be that are either killed or made unable to function. Zoetis (Simparica, Simparica Trio, Revolution Plus): 888-963-8471; If you prefer to report directly to the FDA, or want additional information about adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, see How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. 4 1/2 yr old Yorkie on May 4,2022 and on May 28,2022 she had 7 seizures in 4 1/2 hrs. thank you. Has odd agitated swallowing when not eating anything. By the evening she lost the use of her hind legs. If you need to get rid of parasites, spot-on (the one by a German company is effective enough) will do the job and do it safely. My pup is scheduled to see a neurologist Monday ( today's friday) to evaluate. RELATED: What You Need to Know About the Lyme Vaccine for Dogs. Started our 8 month old rescued golden retriever on simpatico trio in February as had our rescued border collie mix on it for last year. Today he wont eat, is sleeping all day, and when he is up he is panting heavily. She would constantly twirl in left circles. In the meantime i keep trying to give him ice and i am very worried that i have permanently harmed him. I put water with electrolytes by his cage & food . Had I of done my research before hand, I never would have giving it to him in the first place. Simparica Trio is not effective against adult heartworms. Hearing 35-40 to leave systems. I've beaten myself up so much giving her this drug, I felt I could trust the vet and the drug company but we obviously cant and it's all about making more money. I called the owner of my puppy's mom and she told me that the mom NEVER eats that stuff. I know it's still in her system because I am still finding dead ticks that I miss because they are the size of a sesame seed. Simparica Trio is the brand name of a chewable tablet that protects dogs from heartworm disease, fleas, five species of ticks, and two types of intestinal parasites. Don't trust your vet, do your own research. He was a Shih Tzu. I'm so glad I found this forum, it confirmed my instincts that this drug is very harmful. Sarah thanks for your response! They gave him IV glucose to raise his Potassium level. The term off-label or extra-label use means that a medication is used in a way or in a particular species that is not specified on the medication label. She seems to have aged five years since T-Day. No seizures yet thank goodness, but he is drinking a ton of water. I thought maybe it was just a allergy break out which she's never had this long now I'm wondering if she's continuing to have a reaction. Simparica Trio also contains the ingredient moxidectin, which shifts chloride, a naturally occurring electrolyte, across the cell membrane of certain susceptible worms such as heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms. I called the breeder, and she said some vaccines and heartworm meds can cause neurological issues. Please do NOT use it!! Hi, we did a spinal tap and MRI, its not viral or bacterial, its called steroid responsive meningitis which essentially is the meninges inflaming on their own, but if you look in this thread youll see others reporting similar symptoms/diagnosis so I do think Simparica trio triggered/caused it. This time I am seeing a little blood or tissue in her stool. He has never done this, and when I heard it and woke up he couldn't stop. During this period coincidentally I have noticed a change in his behaviour. Heal quickly and clumps of hair fall out. She's finally resting at home, but still not able to walk, run, eat, etc. Sorry man, that is horrible. The affected dog must have been on Simparica Trio or Simparica for a minimum of 30 days prior to the report. Hi there, So sorry to hear about your dog. After seeing his condition worsen, that night we took him to an after hours urgent care. She's been fine since. Initially I noticed minor tremors and twitching when he slept or was just relaxing. We all want to protect our pets from fleas, ticks and the diseases they carry, but some treatments can come with nasty side effects. They got him to eat a little the next morning and sent him home. Work up from the neurologist shows all his tests came back negative. At the same time, it opens glutamate-gated channels, which adds to the flood of nerve communications. I am feeding her foods such as spirulina; b12 and a special healing earth in her dinner. This is happening now and she is still nowhere near 100% but I am hopeful that she will eventually fully recover. Some dogs improve, some don't, not a clear answer why. They did a blood test (this is literally 7 days later) and his ATL liver levels were off the charts at >2000. Each month he got sicker and sicker. What are the side effects of simparica trio for dogs? My sincere sympathies to those with horrendous seizure side effects. Today, he wouldn't eat or drink any water. We contacted the company using the phone number supplied in the under in the box and shared our experience with the new drug. Omg Im feeling sick seeing all these bad comments. after a few months of this i decided to go back to Sentinel and Bravecto. Vet took blood yesterday should get results today. Simparica 48. He was in excellent health prior to this incident. Just hoping you can give me something good and tell me your dog recovered. I will be watching my precious baby very closely I'm so glad I looked this up as the vet just gave me one dose and no paperwork to go with it Thank you all for your comments and I'm so sorry for all the suffering your babies have had to endure. He licks his lips all the time? We were not sure it was simparica. I feel its from the Simperica trio and will not give it to them ever again. for flea and ticks? Once she is completely healed I am putting her back on those. No simparica for them either! Im beyond heartbroken, shocked, and sad. I had to give him flea prevention because he goes to Daycare. My dog is on a "health care plan" with my vet. He does well on Simparica trio and also has the Lyme shot ? Find the Right Simparica for your dog. Vet said they dont think it has anything to do with the Simparica. Not drinking any water but drooling and swallowing all the time. His first was a week after taking his simparica. I hope this comment will save you and your pets from unnecessary trouble. I have an 8 year old Labrador. I have always used topical tx. Simparica Oral Flea & Tick Preventive For Dogs 2.8-5.5 Lbs (Yellow) 6 Pack; Simparica Oral Flea & Tick Preventive For Dogs 5.6-11 Lbs (Purple) 3 Pack All they did was give me a pill in a bag with possible side effects of vomiting or diarrhea. The prescription-only chewable tablet is given once a month to dogs and puppies eight weeks and older. Im praying over him too . I hope yours is an isolated incident! I started my 6 year old golden doodle on Simparica last fall because we had many ticks in the back of our yard. This medication must really be strong to do Flea tic and heart worm etc. Today really soft stool (not diarrhea but close). He already has canine dementia on and off. I am very worried I called the vet they said oops sorry they made a mistake. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own within a few days. I will not in good conscience continue to give my three previously healthy dogs anymore Simparica Trio as it causing Gand Mal seizures in my older dog and nausea , vomiting and severe thirst and dehydration. Many can cause nausea, vomiting and neurological side effects. He is pissing a lot and often and drinking a lot of water. Gave this to my dogs and now he sleeps all the time and tired and has symptoms now like droopy right side weakness cant blink right eye and drooling like bells palsy. Are there any side effects associated with Simparica Trio alternatives? Humans can get infected with certain intestinal parasites, and fleas sometimes bite people. The issues started within 24 hours of the dose and continue. If it was due to the Simparica, then it would expected to be resolved within a day or two. Doesn't anyone here wonder why?, if this is sooo safe to use with mammals, isn't there a human version also available? I went home and somthing didn't feel right, but I read the leaflet and it said no known side effects. My vet gave us Simparica for my newly adopted Chihuahua yesterday. Pyrantel Pamoate got its approval for the first time by the FDA for the purpose in 1977. Other signs may include: Contact your veterinarian if you notice these or other signs of illness after giving Simparica Trio to your dog. I am SOOO angry! Update June 7th. My vet recommended this for my puppy, he is now lethargic, has blood in stool, and can hardly stay awake. Oral use. We rushed him to the emergency vet and they put him on keppra to stop the seizures. Our dog had her first dose June 1st 2022 - diarrhea, scratching, excessive thirst. He collapsed & went limp in my arms . Oh how I wish I had know the side effects of this medicine I would never haven given it to her.. the company that makes this poison should be sued. Pharmaceuticals are killing people and pets. He developed these big sores which scab over quickly, hair falling out here and there. So, I gave it to him. Im beside myself. No more of this junk for my pups! I will never give my dog this medication again. As per the vet, Simparica is an excellent flea and tick product that is available in oral form. Random vomitting is no fun either. I took him to the energy vet in the morning, he couldnt find any cause for pain, only he yelped a bit on his neck, they had trouble getting him in, he was yanking his neck around as he is afraid of the vet since getting fixed. Head bobbling and hind legs unable to support her - as if she were really drunk. If you're not already protecting your dog from common disease-causing parasites, then it's time to schedule a visit to your veterinarian. Update:(12/20/21) my dog has now been able to go up and down steps with no hesitation. How old was your pup? Now Im scared ive been giving him Simparica Trio and it could be the cause of his progressively worsening sickness. Hi, Im having similar issues. I thought right away it must be the new meds! My vet recommended this for my Scooby he justed turned 8 on July 4 and had to take him to vet because of fleas since Monday when he got his first treatment of simparica he's been momping around the house and not eating his food. Never happened before. I will never use this stuff again and will tell anyone I see buying it or using it my story and yours too. The product can be purchased directly from your vet, from your vet's online pharmacy, or through an external online pharmacy with a valid prescription. Our Pickles died last year after just 3 doses, and our vet basically said we were crazy. We started the medication on Dec. 1st and 3 days later it started with vomiting and loss of appetite. Zoetis claims it will be out of his system in two months and I should not see lasting effects, so I am hopeful but worried and telling everyone I know NOT to use this poison. We are closely monitoring him. I pray for my baby to be ok and all of you who are in this battle. Hoping for a good outcome!!! This happened to our 2yr old frenchie last Friday. Im beside myself with guilt and fear. He had no medical problems before this, and I took him to the vet every year he ended up dying two weeks later , I took him to the vet first they told me he wasnt gonna make it to leave him there and I told him no if he isnt gonna make it, hes going to pass away in my arms at home with me and his family why took him to a different vet not the same one I confronted the woman that gave me that medicine. It kills heartworm larvae by causing paralysis that leads to the death of the parasite. So here we are on the 2nd dose. Vet says not to go back to Any brand oral flea/tick meds, so well be using Frontline drops on her shoulders from now on. We are now at about 45 days since last simparica and he is back to his old self. Im convinced it was caused by this drug. Adverse reactions in dogs treated with Simparica TRIO included diarrhea and vomiting. Then I gave it to her again the 3rd month and the same thing happened. Im seeing an improvement in my dog, and am crossing fingers that this continues! Im switching back to the old stuff. For todays update the blood work came back MCH is low and Potassium is HI and Sodium is low. Are there any side effects to Simparica Trio? I only researched it after he started not feeling well, just trusted my vet that this was safe. She couldnt walk straight anymore and stopped eating. However, these adverse effects are rarely observed in pets and overall the product is proven to be suitable for all dogs without occurrence of any side effects. Dogs with existing heartworm infections should be treated to remove the adult heartworms before going back on this medication. He has no appetite, wont drink water and his mouth is so dry. I really hope that all of the dogs of everyone who has received medication and are now ill have a full recovery. My dog is having the same issues. Hopefully, there is no permanent damage to his brain or body. Can you tell me if your dog is back to normal now?!?! He scratched at them which made it worse. About 2 weeks later he had tremors, drooling, lethargic, uncoordinated, vomiting and was touch and go for a couple days. But im 99% sure the simparica is what caused it. Is it too late? Always confirm storage temperatures by reading the label. He has no appetite and very little drinking either so hes not using the bathroom much. He is starting to get better. Thank you for giving information on what happened to your dog. Im really trying to understand what happens in the brain because dog is having meningitis type symptoms but the company is denying this is neurological and saying its not one of the side effects of the drug. He looked like he was having a seizure. My 1.5 yr old German Shepherd was a happy, playful healthy dog until this Poison and now I blame myself for what she is going through. Now we are out thousands of dollars when every event has been triggered by Simparica Trio. Then giving more drugs for itching. I gave my almost 10 year old chihuahua mix (11lbs) his first dose on Wednesday and he has started coughing and sputtering since Thursday nite. I gave my 10 year old Bull Terrier a dose of Simparico Trio Thursday December 3. Took him back to the vet. Did the tremors ever stop? By Sunday he is having liquid diarrhea! We received the first dose of this medication from our Vet! The cost of Simparica Trio generally ranges from $2230 per dose depending on the tablet size, number of doses, and source of purchase. No way I will ever give it to her again. Heartworm medicine alone should be ok. Oh my god I'm so glad I found this group. I could never forgive myself. My dog is still having tremors 5 months after taking Simparica. They still will not consider that it is the Simparica Trio. She vomited twice and became so lethargic that she couldnt walk. However, the following side effects are seen in less than 1 dog in 10,000 . Instead it has become a world of greed. I have every intention of calling and filing a complaint. I gave my 1 year old collie cross Simparica flea and tick medication. Simparica trio is a de-worming medication. This dog was my partner and friend. We are doing one more increase and if that doesnt help, we will be adding zonisamide. By overloading chloride into these worms, it affects the electrical activity within their nervous system, causing muscle paralysis and death. He seems sometimes anxious and is sensitive to noise outside. She nearly died. I check this thread regularly and Im sooo grateful to all who wrote. - she's had several episodes since then. I called our Vet on the second day and they said they doubted very seriously that the Simparica would have give him diarrhea, and then told me that I should wait and see what happens with the next dose, because I had also told them that he had some drippings from some ground beef over his dog food the day before I gave him that first dose. Does your do still have a cough? Are there any side effects of using Simparica TRIO for the dog? Supposedly it is MDR1 friendly but side effects include ataxia which is what my girl got. I tried everything but she just didnt have an appetite for anything. Thanks to its innovative formula, the treatment continues to work for 35 days, providing long-lasting relief from parasites and the diseases they carry. I have a completely different dog. Coton de Tulear. Two weeks after first simparica dose.parasites gone. By June 7th, she had a rash over most of her body, itching and biting herself to bloody raw spots. Im at the 30 day mark from giving him the symparico and he no longer has pain but they want to continue him on a 4-6 months treatment of steroids as if its meningitis but I dont love the idea because the steroids have side effects too. Some dogs also experience a temporary loss of appetite and may not eat their food at their usual meal times. Vet says Simparica is not the reason for his condition, but he was totally fine prior to taking Simparica!! They kindly asked that we schedule an immediate check and diagnostic testing at our local vet. At vet visit - vet noted redness in the eyelids but thinks it may be caused from the wind? He seemed to get a little better over the next week until he woke at 5am vomiting and having diarrhea and very lethargic. Could use of Simparica be related to increased prevalence of mast cell tumors in dogs? He is still not himself, walks very slowly and is definitely not feeling his best. I feel like she's been an experiment to make others money. Every good pet parent wants to keep fleas off his dog, but many worries about the side effects that can accompany various flea and tick treatments. Not known if there be permanent after-effects. The king cavalier bichon mix seems to be ok just not eating much if at all. Sorry to hear about this happening to so many. Really angry this drug is on the market and pushed by many vets. It is the most convenient flea and tick protection product on the market. My husband said , get dressed were taking him in . Come to find out Akita blood platelets can explode in storage causing hi readings. I will NEVER give this drug to my dogs! 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