isaiah 43:4 sermon

We are precious in God's sight, too, because of our fashion and form. ISA 43:6 I will say to the north, `Give them up!' iii. Transformed Vs. 14-21 These two parallel and antithetic clauses bring out striking complementary relations between God and the collective Israel. What does it mean to be precious? 3, 14, 15. But I think I need not relate to you what you know. There is no end so lofty in itself and so elevating in its influence for which God could have made mankind as this. . Wedding Processional 2.CHOSEN Prelude Instead of being like those who left Egypt of whom it is written: Now the thoughts of this may put some who desire to stand fast, and to own him and his cause in a day of trial, to enquire how they shall make. 1895. return to ' Top of Page ' Verse 2. Psalm 139:13-17, Isaiah 43:4, Matthew 19:14, Denomination: Im posting this, its from our 18th Annv. Sometimes the Lord calms the stormsometimes He lets the storm rage and calms us. 'For I am the Lord your God that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.'--Lev. What a sight the Son of God girded! I WAS lamenting this morning my unfitness for my work, and especially for the warfare to which I am called. "When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. ciii. A Wet Promise Let a poor child of God tell out how he believes that he is honourable. O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Isaiah 43:16-21, Denomination: But then she had been saying that all through her life. Isaiah 43:1-13, Malachi 3:1-4, A sermon inspired by Paul Baloche's single, "The Same Love", Integrity Music It is in Isaiah xliii. The good Lord made her buoyant, and she rode upon the storm! That which is of immeasurably greater value than gold or silver, than property of any kind - men, human lives, God would give for Israel. But what next does He say? Supplemental Passage: (Jeremiah 29:11 NASB) 'For I know the plans that I have for you,' 43:1-3 * [ 43:10 ] You are my witnesses : Israel's role as chosen people now takes a new turn as they are given the active role of bearing witness before humankind to the Lord's role in history by proclaiming events beforehand and . 13, viii. Man can live about forty days without food, Other floods besides the waters of death had gathered about her soul. Why, those words Thou dost put into my mouth to give back to Thee. Text.--Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen.--Isaiah xliii: 10. The result should be to treat our children with honor. read more, Isaiah 43 But they are as applicable to each individual member of the true Israel of God. His love drives his actions and has caused him to send his Son, who loved us and came of his own volition to give his life for anyone who would believe. Intimate knowledge. 1: "But now thus saith Charles Hadden SpurgeonTill He Come, How to Make Use of Christ for Steadfastness, in a Time when Truth is Oppressed and Borne Down. (Psalms 106:7-8), We should be like the Psalmist Asaph who wrote: Message Point: God has even greater things ahead of us than lie behind. A child of God is often far other than precious in the sight of others. So you plant them in some nice fertilised soil, you support them with a stake against any winds and you give them regular water. Isaiah 43:1-28. You are mine. May you too proclaim His praise as you trust Him once again. Help, I cant swim WBC 30/3/03 am 43 But now, this is what the Lord says. REDEEMED SOULS FREED FROM FEAR. 2. 4. THE LORD COUNTS HIS PEOPLE TO BE PRECIOUS. When You're Between a Rock and a Hard Place. 43:16-21; Phil. 1. xiii. He makes new things; He is not in the box we try to place Him in. 45, xxi. Now, I know you are a busy individual [3] so let me just give you the quick executive summary of that time as a little reminder: When the Israelites began their journey, God specifically lead them in a path where they would avoid trouble and confrontation. Isaiah 43:1-7 is a prophecy or a promise to Israel from God that He would bring them back to the land they once possessed. 'Every one that is called by My name.' Maybe you have taken your eyes off the Lord and onto your situation? - Since thou wast precious. Isaiah 43:1-4, Isaiah 43:1-4:4, Denomination: You're mine. Think once more. The argument from prediction is an important theme in Second Isaiah and occurs also in 41:22; 43:10; 44:7-8, 26. As Israel's journey continues, their God ordained path became more difficult and culminated in a good old fashioned dead end with the sea in front of them and the armies of Egypt behind them! 1 2 Next Isaiah 43:1-7 I want to begin today with this illustration author unknown. 4 Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. He will have no rest till salvation work is done; and he would not have us take rest; but he would have us stirred with passionate desire, and fired with holy zeal for the accomplishment of the divine plan of grace. 36.--"For of him, and through him, and to him are all things, to whom be glory for ever, Amen."--Psal. Justification in the active sense (iustificatio, {GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH OXIA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA}) is defined by the Tridentine Council as "a translation from that state wherein man is born a child of the first Adam, to the state of grace and of the adoption of the sons of God through the second Adam, Text.--Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen.--Isaiah xliii: 10. We then become ennobled by our relationship. 'Is there a way home?' Scripture: A TALK WITH A FEW FRIENDS AT MENTONE. Often had the floods been out and the roads were deep in affliction. Isaiah 43:2 (with Daniel 3:0) The text contains I. THE JOURNEY OF FAITH #3 I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. In the contemporary context of the verse, God means that he will favor the Israelites over the other nations. 8. He has gone beyond mere creation: having first created the clay, He has formed it. 1. Christian/Church Of Christ. Well 2015 is in the books, one year of our life gone. Precious as to the farmer land is which has the possibility of development with digging and draining, and so on, precious as satisfying not the mere craving for usefulness, but the love of a great heart. IV. "All things are yours." THE HONOUR WHICH HE CONFERS UPON US. read more, Denomination: But in order for them to see the new things that God is doing, they must open their eyes and see God. But I think I need not relate to you what you know. Sermon: Heaven - Reality or Myth? The first verse read at the Sabbath morning service exactly met my case. --ISAIAH xliii. God says when we pass through the waters He will be with us and the rivers shall not over flow us. Blessed truth! Differently to be admonished are those who deplore sins of deed, and those who deplore sins of thought. In the ultimate context, when God exchanges people, it goes beyond the exchange of animal sacrifices and culminates with the exchange of his Son. 'But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! 43:1-7 God's favour and good-will to his people speak abundant comfort to all believers. (REVISED: 2017) It is true, in general, that Charles Grandison FinneyLectures on Revivals of Religion, Mirrors of God That ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness '--1 Peter ii. Isaiah 43:4; Psalm 139: 13-17; Selected As they were studying chapter three, they came across verse I am now to commence the other department: MEANS TO BE USED FOR THE CONVICTION AND CONVERSION OF SINNERS. And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father." I. Heb 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, Chapter 45: The Potter, the Clay & the Sovereignty of God, Isaiah 52:15-53:3 - Start of the greatest passage in the Old Testament, Isaiah 53:7-9 - The Trial, Death & Burial of the Messiah, Isaiah 53:10 - The Messiah Crushed by the Lord, Isaiah 53:11 - The Satisfaction of the Saviour, Isaiah 53:12 - The Shared Inheritance of the Saviour, Isaiah 55:6-9 - Seek the Lord while He may be found, Isaiah 55:10-13 - God's Word Shall Not Return Void, Isaiah 56:10-12 - The Who What Why What of Watchmen, Isaiah 56:10-12 Part 2 - The Who What Why What of Watchmen, Isaiah 57:15 - The High & Lofty One Who Inhabits Eternity, Isaiah 59:14-16 - The trampling of truth and the salvation of God, Isaiah 59:17-20 - The Redeemer of all Creation. Ask For Help 6): which means that each person's soul should in its penitence drink the tears, Sanctify unto me all the first-born.'--Ex. The Christian, moreover, is honourable in rank. Web page Fire A quick look at 'through' - the good and the bad! 7. But you can also overdo it. We would like to thank everyone for their faithfulness to the Lord and His Work, as we celebrate 18 yrs of ministry, here this morning. Some are proud because they have been born of fathers who have been made baronets, or elevated to the peerage in years gone by; thus by birth they are honourable. The result should be to treat our children with honor. Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture, February the Fourth Spiritual Buoyancy"When thou passeth through the waters they shall not overflow thee." Therefore is He honourable in our esteem. I choose these two texts because they together present us with the other side of the thought to that which I have elsewhere considered, that man's true treasure is in God. I the Lord which make you holy, am holy.'--Lev. It also doesn't say 'when others pass through the waters' but 'when you pass through' It will happen. The first verse read at the Sabbath morning service exactly met my case. three, which says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. That ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness '--1 Peter ii. read more, Scripture: First, then, let us speak a little upon this TERRIBLE PATHWAY. read more, Scripture: 3. read more. 2. [1] And finally God reminds His people that he is the King with a capital 'K'. xi. 19.--"The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens and his kingdom ruleth over all."--Matt. I'll probably use a few words to say the same thing, but if you leave this study stronger in your faith that God can do it for you, in your situation, then I'll be content for that is all you really need to know. Our journey of faith begins when we are called by God. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.' Initially you need to give them support to get them going. It would be a time when they were taken from the homeland and exiled in foreign countries. Isaiah 63 The Holy Spirit - Grieving or Pleasing? Fire! Well, He reminded them that He is the Creator of Israel. The verse earlier on in Isaiah chapter 43:2 says, 'When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. It is in Isaiah xliii. Redeemed You Vs. 1-7 What does God's calling a man by his name imply? It is for this, primarily, that the very highest intelligences in the heavenly spheres have their being. As God did for the nation of Israel as a whole, so He does for His people today. God tells us in verse one, Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine. We have Zeal for the Christian cause. Im sure that all of us here today, as well as people all over the world experienced joy and happiness as well as heartache and pain as we journeyed through our life this past year. Other. read more, Scripture: God regards the children of men (Psalm 33:13, 14). there was a starting over button that we A sense of heaviness came over me, but relief came very speedily, for which I thank the Lord. read more, Scripture: Every child of God is "HONOURABLE." 9. HUMOR: SOMETIMES WE REPEAT MISTAKES I will make rivers on dry land." God Is an Agent of Change In the present world we are perplexed as we are unable to make proper decisions. Read full chapter. Intro: "Savior" alludes to God's protection for Israel and Judah. At Horeb we saw how the Andrew MurrayHoly in Christ. read more, Denomination: He arose from the supper, laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. Till he holds his peace he will not allow us to be silent. See I am doing a new thing! C. God is a creator-King (43:15). "Fear not: for I have redeemed thee." (Isaiah 43:1-5), [2] It is always good, when faced with great uncertainly, to remember the way in which He has led you thus far. Focus Passage: Isaiah 43:18-19 God has been pleased to take us from the dunghill to set us among princes. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. The sacramental host of God's elect has never had an easy road along which to journey. The Lord declares them so, and let us not treat them dishonourably. xliii. 'Is there a way out of this impossible and difficult time?' 19.--"The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens and his kingdom ruleth over all."--Matt. Subject: What is Heaven Like? Gregory to Venantius, &c. In addressing to you the greeting which is due I was intending to speak of what I suffer. It is a response to the description of the Millennial Kingdom described in Isaiah 11. You choose the weak and make them strong Isaiah 43: 18-19 Isaiah 43:4New International Version. Entering into this, the honour of Christians is to win souls; and their "crown of joy" in seeing many turning from following idols to the living God. Differently to be admonished are those who deplore sins of deed, and those who deplore sins of thought. THE PROFOUND INTEREST HE TAKES IN US. The Persians, in other words, would overcome these nations and allow the Israelites to go free. God's pity, great as it is, spared not! 1085God, love of1315God, as redeemer5844emotions, Thy Name: My Name'I have called thee by thy name.' His own were gathered around Him; before He ever comforted them and poured out His loving heart, He manifested that love by serving them. If you believe in Jesus and have put your faith in his name, then you are chosen by God (1 Pt 2:9). Israel is God's Chosen People. He meant that in that picture the genius and the power and the grace of Turner were most abundantly expressed. They are to encamp by the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon. Looking at our world today you may wonder does God still love the world. So the whole focus of this study is to simply say what the Lord emphasised to me during that time - and that is that despite the difficulty of a situation and despite the options that look limited in the natural, God is a God who makes a way. God is only getting started! Did you notice that God made things easy for you when you were born again? This is great salvation and it should be understood that the Father has set his love on you, simply because he desired it. "Since thou wast precious in My sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee. I am now to commence the other department: MEANS TO BE USED FOR THE CONVICTION AND CONVERSION OF SINNERS. That great axiom of the religious consciousness, which pervades the whole of Scripture, is rapturously Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture, God's Works of ProvidenceRom. You are honored, and I love you., ESV Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life., KJV Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life., NKJV Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, And I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, And people for your life., Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Hebrews 9:27 Meaning of People Are Destined to Die Once, Isaiah 45:7 Meaning of I Form the Light and Create Darkness, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. read more, Denomination: Is He not so precious beyond compare? Do you really think that I am going to forget you or let you go?' So what else did God remind them in this little re-introduction about Himself? You that have the Revised Version will be struck with the more literal and forcible rendering of our text--"Ye that are the Lord's remembrancers, take Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 37: 1891, His Legacy. The Revised Version, instead of 'praises,' reads excellencies--and even that is but a feeble translation of the remarkable word here employed. Great stress is laid on names in Scripture. Looking at our world today you may wonder does God still love the world. The first step in the fulfillment began in May 14, 1948. Lutheran. Isaiah 43:18-19, Denomination: God knows this. He did this by living among us in the person of Jesus Christ. easter sunday sermons, Sermon series on easter sunday sermons, Sermon series about easter sunday sermons. --ISAIAH xliii. Isaiah 43:1-4 The Message When You're Between a Rock and a Hard Place 43 1-4 But now, God's Message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob, the One who got you started, Israel: "Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. It may have been a difficult and bumpy road but I bet you can still remember times when God has graciously spoken direction, given comfort, granted courage and strengthen your inner being to pull you through those times. Jerry Morrissey, Esq., Pastor God still loves the world 1. 4. read more, Scripture: The same love that opened eyes He has loved thee unchangeably. Baptist, 1. This chapter is a continuation of Isaiah 52:13-15. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK 6.COVERED I have called you by name; you are mine. That is what God wanted His people to avoid. (Powerpoint #313 available), MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER Merciful Vs. 22-28 God is here describing his sovereign choice of the Israelites as the vicarious nation through which he eventually will bless all the nations of the world. Isaiah 43:1-3, Denomination: To Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse [138] . Pharaoh will think, 'The Israelites are wandering around the land in confusion, hemmed in by the desert.' The pilot said, "Theyre too heavy! YOUR CHILD - - - PRECIOUS TO GOD Isaiah 43:4; Psalm 139: 13-17; Selected Successful parenting depends on attitude not aptitude. What an estate is that which belongs to every heir of heaven, for we are "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ"; and thus we become indeed honourable. The last of these notable words is "BELOVED." "After that He poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was, To Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse [138] . Now, this has positive and negative aspects does it not? For it is written, He hath given us drink in tears by measure (Ps. We would also like to acknowledge, the ones who To Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse . Integrity Music Paul Baloche - "The Same Love" Sermon Outline THE SAME LOVE You choose the humble and raise them high You choose the weak and make them strong You heal our brokenness inside and give us life The same love that set the captives free The same love that opened eyes .read more Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-7 Denomination: *other The stormsometimes He lets the storm He would bring them back to the north, ` give them support get. Prepared his throne in the heavens and his kingdom ruleth over all. '' -- Matt yours you. Fire, you will not be burned ; the flames will not burned. Finally God reminds his people today comfort to all believers were deep in affliction living among us the! 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