Subsequently delete the cookies. Gourmet Trainingis a Tradesmanachievement. this.title = infodesc; relevantIds.push( parseInt(match.replace(idPrefix,''), 10) ); }; promises.push(promise); var elements = document.querySelectorAll("*[id^=\"" + idPrefix + "\"]"); The ascended mats for the seeds can be obtained from crafting components from simply salvaging different tiered food with compost that you buy from the crafting vendor. With my help, you can attain greatness! Cook the following at one of the nearby stations: Unimpressed by the character's subpar cuts, the charr chef sends them off to seek tutelage from a master butcher in Diessa Plateau, Vaastas Meatslayer. var match = idPattern.exec(elements[i].id); }).join(','); (t={item:2,text:3,map:4,skill:6,trait:7,recipe:9,skin:10,outfit:11}[t.trim().toLowerCase()]||0))return"invalid type";for(var i=[];e>0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l' + elementids.join(',') + ' { opacity: 0.2; }' + ''); I cant remember what I did but I did it entirely with cooking food for my second character. I had great luck getting rare extracts from super veggie pizzas, just right at the 1:1 part (as it's a 350-rating food). } var isSubtoken = !match[1]; $('.character-list').html( $.map(['(all)'].concat(chardata), function(v){ return '