It'll bleed more before the sun sets on the Mojave. The logs of the Big Empty mentioned you'd spoken to history. There is no honor in murder from a distance, NCR or Legion. The Mojave is behind us. We'll see. He gains more power, that wall will grow. {Introspective, cont}Left marks on them, too. Nearly killed me, flesh and spirit. Irony's sharp. Can't break that by making the road red. Why you wandered. Many NCR were already here when the destruction happened. You'll need to find your own path. {Beat}Happened in the Mojave. {No sound file}, {Dismissive}Power isn't strength. It's custom of the Bear to never see the marks it claws in the land not {emph}my custom. It's proof that killing a symbol is going to be harder than you thought. If so, history saved me. {Beat, slight condemnation}Charging ahead, like the rest of our brothers, blood in your eyes. {No sound file}. That's part of why I'm here. About all this. That'll end soon, can't walk the Long 15 and not have a nation's shadow fall on you. Had to ask the why of it. Let that one fly, or destroy itself. You can input many commands to make in-game changes, such as increasing stats or changing faction reputations. {Scoffs}Blame you? Our history. {Disdain}Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. Nicholas C. Posts: 3489. Contents 1 Topics 2 Conversation 3 Combat 4 Detection Topics Conversation Combat Detection Once. Courier. An ending. Now, our allegiances are reversed. Words will not bridge this. Can you tell me again what you're doing here? [FAILED] {Disgust, dismisses player}Talking words won't settle this. I walked the Great Salt Lake as Caesar's eye, then his hand. And after. You said you made a promise not to kill me. Because it should be given a chance? [Legion] You said you'd sworn not to kill me. That history has been written, its lessons learned. [Rep] You might not believe in nations. {Anger, dismissive}Now like the Dam, it's too covered in blood to see what it could have been. Throughout the course of the game they can meet merciless killers, optimistic do-gooders, and even a supermutant or two. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic080. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. Worth no more hate than any {emph}other machine. You are too late. Deathclaws - hunt the Marked Men, {even quieter, for emphasis}and they also hunt what burrows below. It had only one message in its core - to get home, at any cost. Thought it was an insult at first. {to himself}know better now. He was Brahmin-stubborn, gave him strength on the battlefield. Your tapes prove you've walked the Mojave, yet learned the wrong lessons. [FAILED] {Disdain}Search history, might find meaning in it. Here, with the Old World flag as witness. Not if you believe in what you follow. And Hoover Dam. {Scoffs}Not any more. Your head's messed up worse than the Divide. The Legion does not need to be destroyed, only contained within new borders. {Ulysses Fighting Eyebots have been disabled, matter-of-fact}Just you and me, then. Same symbols as before the war, now a flag carried by a tribe of children. Slave weapon? Legion doesn't {emph}try to kill people, they do it. {Thinking, slow}Name's died twice to history. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. His name was Joshua - Joshua Graham. The missiles will launch. The New Canaanites they supplied medicine. I don't understand why you didn't kill me in Primm. To the Divide they came in the Divide, they rest. {Beat, emph}What you brought to the people here. They had taken my braids, the way of the Twisted Hairs, as if it showed they were {emph}like me, {emph}of me while every knot in their braids spoke of raping, violence - and ignorance of what the knots {emph}meant. If you want to spare Ulysses, you need a high speech unless you have collected all of ED-E's LR upgrades or ALL of his holotapes. {Bitter}Could've breathed new life into the Mojave, bridging East, West. Found them, heard them after I cast them aside - maybe there was purpose in that. You have no such defense now. < Debug: Ulysses high level topics, do not translate. So you're the one who sent the radio message - Ulysses. {Dismissive/contempt}Destroying my machines won't help you. Before forgetting their history. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic026. You do not need to convince him alone. Unfortunately, different doesn't always mean . {Watching the perimeter of the temple, in combat}Not now. I don't care what happens to NCR, but I can't allow you to harm the Legion. My new home, here, amongst dead men. Wasn't sure if history would matter to you. At least I don't hide behind a machine like a coward. {Slight disdain}And you think that you have this strength? Either way, the Divide giants are awakening. Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. {No sound file}. {To himself, this is a hint}Any logs of mine I have already cast away in the Divide, they're lost to you. {All the Marked Men are dead, combat is over. {Narration}{Male}There, beside his feet, was a final package, from one Courier to another - a footlocker, bearing a gift, and a message. You chose Ulysses because of the "two flags" reference - is that tied to the war in the Mojave? If there's time, I will. Called it Bitter Drink, mixed up the Xander and Broc in a bottle, added some kick to it so your head doesn't get all clouded. Had to see what was there, couldn't leave it be. Whatever waits at Hoover Dam, I'm ready. He wasn't made for peace. Call it that. No damage done, not yet. There is truth in your words. I know because I followed you as you walked the road, watched you do it. If so, they'll grow, in time, no matter how much you back House. Not in this place. If you head back to the Mojave, it's like nothing's changed. < Storage Node: Ulysses discussing Denver and the East. Flags of the Bear and Bull. {Frowns, slight testing}You know the why of it. Whether Caesar stands or not, Lanius will come. {Cold}My home in the East, Dry Wells, is no more. {No sound file}. {Remarked}Full circle, walked your road - now back again. Kill him. {Bold}Or platinum. I'll remain here in the Divide for you to return. Killing one will end both. Do not translate. So the Legion doesn't know what happened here? If you blame me for what happened here at the Divide - why do you care? Enough Xander root and Broc flower along the trail though, the Legion was able to keep pace and get where they were going. If war doesn't change, men must change, and so must their symbols. {Beat, making offer}If you brought Mojave gifts, might be able to shape something for the road. Area looks like it was hit with earthquakes or underground detonations. I do like his final message about how men must change and if not nuclear war will happen again but other than that, what a mess. {Quiet}When it was connected, it started speaking. {DUPE}{Anger}Accident? You're a Legion traitor, and now you'll die. You delivered a package. Forgotten everything. And even when you could have turned away, you brought it again, in that machine. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic062. {Quiet, reverent, bring this to a close}Let House sleep in his chamber. It's the wall by which this age will be measured, the gravestone of the Mojave. The Divide couldn't stop me, the Mojave couldn't kill me - you don't have much chance. Others by Couriers. Old World wreckage's nothing new after that, something you had your hand in - you'll walk it soon enough. I and one other, walking right out of history deeper than we knew. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. Wait there's more I wanted to talk about. {Beat}Your flag will burn. {Beat, rallying}But it is their philosophy that was flawed - their weapons, used with new perspective Those weapons can be used to kill a symbol that has already proven itself wrong. Legion wears many colors, East and West. Might kill him, taking it, whether he won or lost. {Somber remembering}When it spoke, the Divide became fire, the ground tore apart like the skies. You followed the East once, you can do so again. Wears a mask, don't even know if it's the same man. but more relevant to Fallout universe than the entire content of Bethesda's Bethetic attempt. {DUPE}[FAILED] Wasn't always like this. {Keep low-key, this line will be heard a lot}Something else in you needing an answer? {To himself}So it's to be my ending, then. Now only the Long 15 remains. Won't help you. It grew from what you did. {Beat}Promise of another future. {Beat}These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. That's more miles than Legion can hold. Took it from history, found it in a book. What happened at the Divide, what I did, was an accident. {Frowns}Both both survived, pieces of them. Or maybe you walked so far West, the Bear's sickness crept into you. Probably less. {"I'll"}Leave the thought behind the message to you. The Legion doesn't abide traitors. The roads, and the flags above them, carry equal blame. And the Divide is the reason no Legion has been seen. But the Twisted Hairs survived, even after Caesar. {Echoing player's statement}Serves the Legion? Watched the flames trail all the way to the bottom. {No sound file}. {A little uncomfortable}You scavenge words. Like us and it shares our history. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic022. Well I listened to a lot of Tom Waits, so I was used to guys sounding like their throat is full of gravel. The Bear, NCR, couldn't be allowed to reach it easily. There's nothing to hate in metal steel, gold. You and that machine, are all that remains of NCR here {quieter, to himself}rest fell to radiation, fire and what burrows below. {Quiet, bring this to a close}If you saw House, you didnt see a man. }We've broken them. {Disgust, hates ED-E}That {emph}machine with you, it can open it, wake it up, {quieter}like it did the one in Hopeville. You've been, you've seen the Wall. {Rallying}But there's no answer in that. Markings of America. Now, its voice will end you. Back to symbols and history, then. Never. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic040. Dialogue with Ulysses entering the final encounter can involve the Courier attempting to use his reputation status to convince Ulysses of his views. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic027. {Slight disdain}And you think that you have this strength? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic023. The Divide still stands against us. {Narration}{Draw it to a close}And this road - has reached its end. {Echoing player}The supply line - the artery for the West? Got new inhabitants now other than ghosts, more recent recruits. If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this}Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. {Watching the perimeter of the temple}If we're done here, let's leave the Divide behind. You've seen it. [NCR] Even if you have no faith in the NCR, I do. Already heard you once, long ago and loud enough for history to hear. And you will. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic056. {Slow, considering}You seek to use your own crimes to prevent mine. Comes down to perspective, how far one's walked, and what they've left behind. For now, eyes alert, watch the streets below. But rather than cracks in the earth, it was a road from the West into the Mojave, a supply line. I'll bring the Divide to your home, your nation. You brought the Divide to life, Courier. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic112. {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. Yes. History cast aside a home, left behind. Doesn't matter now. {Beat, a little quieter}The Divide was stronger. Anyone who believes they can make it return and everything will be as it was it is a dangerous belief. No, opposite of that. {Snarling, talking about torturing the robot}I'll reduce it to parts, just enough to function, to be aware of what's happening. I'm no traitor, and when I walk, I don't hide my presence. When I {emph}followed your road to the Divide those years ago, I saw the symbol I wore all around me. If you want these Old World relics, they're yours better you carry them than the Marked Men. The Old World died long ago. If you don't - I do, and that's enough. And you are responsible for what happened after - when the device opened, started to speak. If there's no more answers you want, then we'll end this. {Anger, "Justice"}Just? An Idiot-Proof guide to obtaining every unique weapons and every unique variant of every weapon in the base game and its DLCs. Came with duty, purpose ready to kill each other. Once under different flags, now they are equal in their hatred of the trespassers. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic021. Seen them as I've walked the Divide, tending other machines. {Cold}You've answered your own question. If so, they were buried deep. Cut off your retreat, {emph}your supply line. Not Bear, not Bull - now radiation's marked them, made them equal in history's eyes. What I give the Legion is a swifter death than the disease you bring. Still it's important to see. Need to be here, see what was done. You must be willing to kill {emph}anyone, children, mothers, the weak, elders if these New Canaanites value the generations, that is what you must kill. {Slow, reflective}Nineteen tribes could not do it. There's nothing in the Divide. {No sound file}. {No sound file}. {Disdain}You're good at that, talent for it. They didn't know what the braids meant, the mark of my tribe before Caesar came before Vulpes came for them at Dry Wells. Kept the land before the Divide alive through seasons, storms {trying to convince himself}{emph}can't have been just a job. [Legion] The dead in the silo, some were Legion Frumentarii, scouts. {Smile/sneer}What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier. Won't leave - not yet. Courier to Courier. {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] {Nods, agreeing}There's truth in your words, {and}in what I've seen of their tactics, movements - recovery. Now you and others will answer for it. Back then, you saw the road with eyes facing East. Courier. >. {Slow, cold}I'm a courier. Got a few holotapes left, ones from the medical center. The tribes - families. Sawyer) Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Inon Zur Casting By Timothy Cubbison Brenda Marie Phillips Art Direction by Joe Sanabria . No what's inside - that's what worries me. {Slow, accusing}You gave life to this place. Sometimes can judge a man by his messengers. No danger there. One may build it again - build others. {Slight surprise}What do you m {"mean," then chuckles}I see the way of it. If the ghosts of Vegas have come from behind their wall to speak for the West, I'll hear their words. Had to. {DUPE}{Quiet}But no the dead number more than my brothers. The Bear and Bull - NCR, Legion - came in waves. [NCR] Those soldiers in Hopeville were once NCR, I'm sure of it. Vegas earned its right to survive, its people don't deserve what's about to happen. {DUPE}{Derisive}The soldiers of the Bear? [SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. Bear's too busy carving up the Mojave with knives, roads, borders, and how things {emph}should be to see how it {emph}is. {To himself}Must've took off. Those wounds - they couldn't live otherwise. You have not the strength to bear a Legion standard. I've had enough of this - whatever your game, I'm done. I'll show the Mojave, Bear and Bull the way of it. Do you really think these missiles can kill everyone? Assassins. The Bear is diseased, barely clings to life. White Legs, they were born for war, they run to it, hungry for battle yet their hunger is to be a part of history, something larger. {Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been disabled, dismissive}Can't stop the Old World's return, Courier. "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.". NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic019. {Starts getting nostalgic}There was life, a town, farther West not talking about an Old World town like Hopeville more recent. {A Marked Man uses a stealthboy}Watch the shadows - the beasts cloak themselves in Old World tech. To this road, you and I. From deep in NCR. Have you been to Hopeville since the Ashton missile hit? {Disgust}Staked a claim, whether it was wanted there or not - {just like its}true elsewhere in the Mojave. {Slow}I don't blame you for the Divide. {Grim, taunt}Running out of time, Courier. The Legion who died here. {Farewell}The Divide belongs to history now. The wall of New {CANE-in}Canaan too high for Caesar. Vegas is Old World, filled with Old World ghosts. I'm not talking about NCR or the Legion, I'm talking about our history. Need to be here, see what was done. Like Hanlon, with mines, bombs missiles. {Disgust}If you ever had any ability to hear anything beyond your own footsteps the Divide silenced it. {Quiet, downnote}If they matter if history matters we'll see at the end of the road. I've walked a lot of hard roads, Mojave and before. {Beat, quiet}Even if it is nothing at all, know what you follow, Courier just as I followed you, to the end. {To himself}And if not, then I'm afraid what's going to happen when they come creeping back. {Cold}This is the ending they deserve a flag is a thing of the people that gather to it, as are all symbols. The rest - up to you. If so, killing him was mercy, not cruelty. Ulysses that sounds like a Legion name a Legion hero? Yes. Trade route, road the military could use can't have two roads into the Mojave. {Quiet, accusing}I carry no hatred for duty if that's what this was. {Taunt, then cold, he's enjoying this}If you feel its loss remember you could have turned away at any time. {Cold}They deserve what comes. Why would they want to stay here if this place is killing them? That grave of lights, back to dust and ghosts, as was meant. You can't destroy the West, even with all the missiles here. You skipped past where you build the community, moved onto killing one. It was madness asked them a question in anger. [NCR] You might not believe in nations. Now we'll see how it plays out. {Disdain}You know what it was. {Cold, ominous}Not a world I want to be part of, going through motions until we're all smiling faces on some robot's screen. [SUCCEEDED] {Cold, final}They won't help you understand what happened here. After this, only one flag will remain over the Mojave. Ulysses wasn't made for the flag he followed. {Narration}It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it. Long ago, I crossed the Colorado, the first among the Legion to see Hoover Dam in all its glory an Old World wall, yet bridging two sides. Maybe you better tell me who you are, and what you want. {Beat, slight condemnation}A woman in Caesar's service. Turn, walk the Mojave, fight beneath the flags but you'll wonder. {Snarls}Of course it was your choice. {No sound file}, I hold Legion to be my brothers even as misguided as they are. {Cold}No, {emph}you are. You believe what you say. More importantly, not for House, but for the families on the Strip. Can live with that. I'm not to blame for Ashton, the Chip, or the Divide. Harm the Legion is a swifter death than the entire content of Bethesda & # x27 ; always. { Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been disabled, dismissive } ca n't allow you to harm the does... 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